Modelo Resenha
Por: Luciano Ladeira • 28/9/2019 • Resenha • 271 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 361 Visualizações
Hablo Idiomas
Student: Luciano
Writing Exercise
- Describe someone you admire (e.g. a singer, a film star, a sportsman or sportswoman, etc) Add information like height, hair, eyes, etc.
I like football player Neymar, because he is the best. Neymar helped Brazil win golden medal in the Olimpic Games 2016. He has got black short hair, brown eyes and average height.
Grammar Exercise:
1) Complete the spaces with the correct form of would like, like or have got. Use affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.
a) Waiter: Good morning, madam. What would you like to order?
Woman: Fish please, with peas and chips.
b) Boy: Would Sophie like to have a book for her birthday?
Girl: I think a CD is a better present for her because she like pop music.
c) Girl: My parents would like to go to the cinema with me on Saturday but like going out with my friends at the weekend. *****
d) Man: How many brothers and sisters have you got?
Woman: Three sisters, but I like any brothers.
e) Girl: Would your dad like jazz music?
Boy: Oh yes, he have got 200 CDs. *****
f) Boy: What would you like doing on holiday?
Girl: Oh, like swimming in the sea.
g) Mother: Go and visit your aunt in London. She have got see you.
h) Man: Would you like to come to the zoo with me this weekend?
Woman: No, thank you. I like seeing animals in cages.
i) Brother: I’d like to meet your boyfriend.
Sister: Oh, he’s very busy. He like going sailing at weekends so he studies hard all week.
j) Girl: I’d like to buy some running shoes. What have you got?
Shop assistant: Sorry, we have got any. We only sell football boots.