- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

O Modelo de Anteprojeto

Por:   •  23/11/2022  •  Monografia  •  613 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  78 Visualizações

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1.1 Contextualização do Tema Proposto 3

1.2 Formação da Pergunta de Pesquisa 3

1.3 Objetivos da Pesquisa desenvolvida 3

1.4 Justificativa e Relevância da Pesquisa Proposta 3

1.5 Estruturação do Trabalho 3



1.1 – Contextualização do Tema Proposto

1.2 – Formação da Pergunta de Pesquisa

1.3 – Objetivos da Pesquisa desenvolvida

1.4 – Justificativa e Relevância da Pesquisa Proposta

1.5 – Estruturação do Trabalho

7.1 Introduction

Entering college can easily become a very difficult time for any student. A student's concerns in his first few months of college are understanding the college rules, how each department works, which classroom he should attend, and many other things. In the social aspect, one of the main pains of the student is socialization, finding people with whom he identifies.

For the platform to be successful in meeting the needs of students, it needs to focus a lot on the points mentioned above and that will be the effort that will be made in this text. It is important to highlight that the student's challenges are not only focused on entering college, on optional subjects that mix different classes, the organization for communication via improvised chats on other platforms is much more compromised. For the platform to have a relevant differential in relation to other social networks, it is important to pay attention to these points. The design solution with this focus will be discussed here.

7.2 New solutions and improvements

The solution that the platform can offer to incoming students can be based on 2 main aspects: Academic and social.

In the academic aspect, an institutional profile for the university where diverse information can be shared could be developed. In this session the college can describe key campus policies, the official faculty calendar, and important news posts. In addition, the automatic creation of groups based on the subjects in which students are enrolled can be a very strong gain for all students.

In the social aspect, a very good job is already done by the platform, requiring few improvements of greater impact.

7.2.1 Institutional profile of the college

In this new session, the college will be able to further explore communication with its students for a direct channel with them. This should be a very good argument for selling the license to the campus. The main college rules can be included with a button on


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