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Por:   •  11/5/2015  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  984 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  1.013 Visualizações

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A. Leiam o texto abaixo. / Read the text below.

In Christianity, Easter is one of the most important days of the year. Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ – the day Jesus came back to life. In many Catholic countries, Easter is a more important celebration than Christmas. Jesus had returned to Jerusalem to observe the Jewish celebration of Passover. He ate the Passover meal with his disciples at what is now known as the Last Supper. He was later arrested, tried and convicted, and then finally sentenced to death. On Good Friday (before Easter Sunday), Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. Easter is a 'moveable feast', meaning the date changes. It’s not a fixed date like Christmas, which is always on December 25th. It was decided in 325 A.D. that Easter Sunday would be on the 1st Sunday after the first full moon of spring. It is only in English and German that this day is called 'Easter'. England adopted the name used for the spring festival Eostre in Germany. In most other languages in Christian countries, (like French, Italian, and Spanish), the word for this day is derived from the original Greek word 'Pascha' used for the Jewish Passover. 
- englishteachermelanie adaptado

B. Respondam as perguntas a seguir. / Answer the questions below.

1.What is Easter in Christianity?

2. What does Easter Sunday celebrate?

3. What happened to Jesus after the Last Supper?

Mark True or False.

1. On Good Friday, Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus. (.....)
2. Easter isn't a 'moveable feast', meaning the date changes. (.....)
3. In a lot of Catholic countries, Easter is a more important celebration than Christmas. (.....)
4. Easter Sunday is the day Jesus came back to life. (.....)

D. Como se diz "
Coelho da Páscoa" em inglês?

Aqui estão as respostas / Here are the answers


1. Easter is one of the most important days of the year.
2. Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3. He was arrested, tried and convicted, and then finally sentenced to death.


1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True


Easter Bunny

[pic 1] Easter Sunday is a happy day. On Easter Sunday, Jesus' friends learned that he was alive again. They went to the cave where Jesus had been buried. The huge rock that had blocked the door of the cave was rolled away. The cave was empty.

[pic 2]Then they saw an angel. The angel told them, "Jesus is not here. He has risen just like He promised!" Jesus was alive again. His friends were very happy.

Some of His friends did not believe that Jesus had really come back to life. They did not believe until He came to see them. Then they were happy too.

Jesus promised that everyone who believed on Him would someday live with Him. Many Christians celebrate that promise by going to church on Easter Sunday. Some go very early when the sun is coming up. Others go later in the day. Many people wear their best clothes. The churches are full of flowers. The people sing joyful hymns. They remember the story of the resurrection. Then, they go home to celebrate with family or friends.

 2°) Complete os espaços com palavras retiradas do texto:

  1. On Easter Sunday, Jesus' friends learned that He was [pic 3] again.
  2. Jesus had been buried in a [pic 4].
  3. When His friends went to the cave, the rock that had [pic 5] the door was rolled away.
  4. An [pic 6] told them "He is not here; He has risen just like He promised."
  5. Jesus [pic 7] that everyone who believed in Him would someday live with Him.

3°) Retire do texto a resposta para as seguintes perguntas:

  1. Why was Easter a happy day? 
  2. Where was the rock that had blocked the door of the cave?
  3. Who told Jesus' friends that He was alive again? 
  4. Did everyone believe that Jesus had come back to life?
  5. How did Jesus prove that He was alive?
  6. What did Jesus promise everyone who believed in Him?
  7. How do Christians celebrate the promise of Jesus? 


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Vocabulário de Páscoa em português – inglês

Postado em 14/02/2010 por Fred

[pic 8]

[pic 9]

Páscoa já chegou às lojas e supermercados. Antes dela ser comemorada oficialmente nas igrejas, que tal você aprender como se diz, em inglês, Sexta-Feira da Paixão, Sábado de Aleluia, Domingo de Páscoa, jejum, ovo de páscoa? Se quiser aprender, follow me.

Vocabulário de Páscoa em português-inglês

Ascensão de Cristo -Ascension of Christ
Crucificação de Jesus – Crucifixion of Jesus
Domingo de Páscoa – Easter Sunday
Domingo de Ramos – Palm Sunday
Feliz Páscoa – Happy Easter
Feriado de Semana Santa – Easter break, Easter Holiday
Jejum – Fasting
Missa de Páscoa – Easter Mass
Paixão de Cristo – Passion of Christ
Pão (com uma cruz desenhada) – Hot Cross Buns
Pão, Rosca – Roll
Páscoa (dos Judeus) – Passover
Páscoa – Easter
Pentecoste – Pentecost, Whitsun
Quaresma – Lent, Lenten Season
Quarta-feira de Cinzas – Ash Wednesday
Quinta-feira Santa – Maundy Thursday, Sheer Thursday, Holy Thursday
Ressureição of Christ – Resurrection of Christ
Sábado de Aleluia – Holy Saturday, Silent Saturday
Santa Ceia – Last Supper
Semana Santa – Holy Week
Sexta-Feira SantaSexta-Feira da Paixão – Good Friday, Holy Friday, Black Friday, Great Friday
Terça-feira de Carnaval – Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday


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