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Por:   •  19/6/2019  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  741 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  152 Visualizações

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Typical food of England

1 - Fish and Chips[pic 1]

Is the traditional fish dish with chips, very common and popular. It is a fish breaded, fried and seasoned with salt and malt vinegar. To accompany, lots of fries.

[pic 2]

2-Bangers and Mash

This other typical English dish, consisting of sausage and mashed potatoes, can be found in different versions. It can be prepared with a spicy type of sausage, herbal or with other varieties. This meal is usually served with an onion sauce.[pic 3]

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3-Toad in the hole[pic 5]

This recipe made with sausages and pasta.

Once golden, the sausages are placed on a platter and covered in dough. They can be served with purple onion and wood sauce.

[pic 6]

4- Cornish Pasty[pic 7]

One of the favorite food of the English is this cake, which originated in Cornwall, southeast region of the country. The dough is traditionally made with flour, potatoes and onions. The meat filling completes the recipe. Whoever does exchange in England finds this dish easily.

[pic 8]

5- Roast Beef[pic 9]

Roast beef is another example of typical English food on Sundays. The type of meat used in the recipe may vary, but it is common to find this dish made with pork, duck, lamb or turkey. Usually served with potatoes, vegetables and sauces.

[pic 10]


You are very likely to know the fame of the traditional tea of ​​the five of England,

but do you know what the accompaniments are served? The scones are an example: biscuits that can be accompanied by jellies or butter. Other types of crackers and sandwiches are also common in this meal.[pic 11]

[pic 12]

7-Summer Pudding[pic 13]

It's a dessert. In their recipe are used Italian bread, red fruits and sugar.

[pic 14]

8- Eton Mess

It's a dessert. broken sighs, whipped cream and ripe strawberrie.

[pic 15]

9- Drinks

The most popular drinks in England are: beer, teas of various flavors. The most popular beer is bitter, dark, with foam and served at room temperature, however lager (golden and light) is gaining more and more followers. Whiskey is a very popular drink, the best being from Scotland and Ireland. English tea cream is served in any tea house, mainly on the south coast.

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Transport of England

The public transportation in England is safe and efficient. The comfort and the passenger's healthy priority safety. A differential one is that the vehicles are rarely overcrowded and that care is a merit of the driver, that makes the administration of the entrance and the passengers' (besides the collection of the passage) exit, not allowing nobody to enter in bus that are already full.


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