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Tribunal de Falências dos Estados Unidos

Abstract: Tribunal de Falências dos Estados Unidos. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  29/4/2014  •  Abstract  •  203 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  376 Visualizações

In re TelexFree, LLC, Case No. 14-12524 (ABL)

United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Nevada (

General Information:

On April 13, 2014, each of the Debtors listed below filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"). The cases (collectively, the "Bankruptcy Cases") are pending Joint Administration under Case No. 14-12524. The Bankruptcy Cases are pending before the Honorable August B. Landis in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada.

Debtor Name Debtor Case Number

TelexFree, LLC 14-12524

TelexFree, Inc. 14-12525

TelexFree Financial, Inc. 14-12526

Pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code (specifically including, but not limited to, 11 U.S.C. § 362), a debtor is afforded certain protection against its creditors; the Bankruptcy Code prohibits creditors from taking certain actions related to debts that may have been owing prior to the commencement of the Bankruptcy Cases. If you believe that you might be a creditor of the Debtor(s) based upon debts arising prior to April 13, 2014, and you are considering taking action based upon your status as a creditor, you may wish to seek legal advice. The staff of the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court and the staff of Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC are not permitted to give legal advice.

Important Dates, Deadlines & Documents


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