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China Air Pollution

Por:   •  13/4/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.100 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  236 Visualizações

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POLLUTION IN CHINA                                                                                                1

China Air Pollution

Lucas Silva

Introduction to Business / BUS 110


Instructor Thomas Mead

POLLUTION IN CHINA                                                                                                2


        The article China Air Pollution alerts the reader of this big problem that China is going through nowadays, the so called “airpocalypse”. On this article we can see examples, statements from people such as Mr. Peng Yindgeng who works with the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection and said that the smog would visit China very frequently for the next ten to twenty years due to unreasonable urbanization plans.

POLLUTION IN CHINA                                                                                                3

China Air Pollution

        The article starts by saying that the “airpocalypse” has hit China. This problem is so big in China that “the thick smog has obscured cities’ skylines and blocked Sunshine” (Forbes Asia, 12/06/2013, Pg. 1). This problem has become such a big deal in China that schools have been closed in some days and the students are strongly advised to cancel their outdoor activities due to the pollution.


        Many people think the poorly regulated industrial emission is the main reason of this problem but no matter what the problem is, for the Chinese people it seems that the airpocalypse is there to stay. And that is what Mr. Peng Yingdeng says, the smog will be visiting China very frequently for the next tem or twenty years. And if he is right, China has a big problem ahead. But Urbanization seems to be the key in China’s change to a growth model instead of exporting and investment this model if fueled by consumption. Transforming the country’s rural residentes to city dwellers would massively unleash spending power. The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has noted that urban residents spend more than rural residents and that is why they want to do this transformation, they want to increase consuming instead of exporting more. But this move could further strain the country’s environment and may led to more severe pollution. Li has stated that this time, the urbanization in China would be more balanced, there will be an environmental protection, the regulation would be more unified.

Central Leadership

        The central leadership has a strong will to control air pollution better. After all, pollution has become the top cause of social problems in China passing land dispute.

POLLUTION IN CHINA                                                                                                4

        Now Beijing strongly depends on local officials, who are those people that still have too much power and incentives to exploit China’s natural resources; “The new leader are serious about reform. But, no one knows whether they can create new incentives that will influence local leaders to change.” (Forbes Asia, 12/06/2013, R. Edward Grumbine, Pg. 2).


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