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Por:   •  26/7/2014  •  1.706 Palavras (7 Páginas)  •  300 Visualizações

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Sterling Stationery

Research and Report

June 18, 2014

Table of Contents

Letter of transmittal 1

Sterling Stationery 2

Research and Report 2

Table of Contents 3

Executive Summary 4

Introduction 5

Research Methods 6

Data Collected 7

Forms of Social Media and their benefits 7

Facebook 7

Linked In 8

Twitter 8

Social extranet 9

Data Analysis 10

Features Comparison 10

Table 1 Features Comparison 10

Number of Users 11

Figure 1 - Represent the percentage of users of each social media form. 11

Evaluation 12

Advantages of using Social media forms 12

Disadvantages of using Social Media forms 12

Conclusion 13

Bibliography 15

Executive Summary

This research report covers the possibility of using social media in our company and is about three new forms of social media for the possible implementation in our company.

This report consist in show the differences between then, and highlights the benefits and/or drawbacks of those.


The following research report aims to find out the possibility of using new forms of social media to increase supplies of Sterling Stationery and report the outcome to my boss Sheridan Bouquet

Using Google to collect data form internet and analysing this data three new forms of social media have been compared to see which one give more benefits to the company and less drawbacks.

The reasons of this research report are to find out the possibility of using new forms of social media.

Research Methods

I started my research using the internet to collect data, specifically using “Google” as my research tool.

I was being guide by the teacher and the book “The Business Communication handbook”.My first step was set up my Action Plan, Mind Map and Brainstorm. (Dwyer, 2012)

My first step was use qualitative research method to gain insight into the situation measuring the variable by comparing features of data collected.

My second step was enumerate my actions in the form of an action plan(Refer Appendix 1) , so I had a “personal tutorial” trough my research. Then I started gathering information, analysing comparison and putting everything in words.

Once I did this, I thought about the best recommendations that I could give and that’s what I did, and basically it covers all my research Methods.

Data Collected

Forms of Social Media and their benefits

The purpose of this report it is to research and find three new forms of social media that can be implemented in our company and in the same time bring us benefits instead of drawbacks.

During the research I found the top 3 most used Social Media websites using quantitative, qualitative research method and google as my main tool, as it is shown in my Portfolio. More than one source of information affirms that Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram are in the top 3. 
As we aim to reach the most people we can, we going to focus in those 3 websites, because these forms of social media are being used by all kind of people all ages around the world. (Social Networking, 2014)

For accomplish this task I have to analyse each of the websites individually and them compare the final results to see which one would bring most benefit to us and create less drawbacks. (Social Networking, 2014)


Facebook has more than 1 billion active user, more than 300.000 of people register themselves on the Facebook per day. (Facebook, 2014)

The cost of registration is 0, you can create a personal profile or a page of your company, you have the perks of “like” pages that have something in common with your company, that means that you’ll spread your brand and products all over the Facebook.

You can post promotions, pictures of products, company news, address, and you have a lot of other perks as customize your page, make your page free to people access and check all the content or restrict just to friends, but the best perk for our purpose its that you can have an online chat with your customer, just typing or via webcam or via audio. and all this services are for free. (Facebook, 2014)

The Facebook was created 13 years ago and since that year a whole new trend has been growing every day. (Facebook, 2014)

Linked In

Linked In it is a social media website that focus in the business market and their professionals, nowadays Linked In has more than 300 million of users. (N/A, 2014)

The cost of registration is 0, the purposes of this social media website are that People can show their resumes and companies can put their pages with all their details,

Create a big network made by people searching for a job or a company.

Linked In it is a powerful personal and marketing business tool, having the largest business network you can find every


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