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Pik-po, acessório para natação

Por:   •  29/11/2018  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  1.410 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  117 Visualizações

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Buyer - Swimming Products     Tim Elson

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In the sports industry, the technologies are very well received. Products for the better development of the athlete, has been increasingly explored in the practice of exercises. Pik-Po is a Personal Coach that joins with the others for better performance, a chip model that will give you the rhythm to be executed in your series. The purpose of the accessory is to work on the concept distance by style combined with speed to reach the ideal speed. The model enhances the technical quality associated with the desired speed. The idea is to raise the capacity to maximize performance with technical quality.

Market research

This type of product is not well known by people who are not involved with the sports field. According to the website, the buyers of swimming products are those who understand the importance of being well equipped to enjoy a better swim. Having the proper accessories are important to effectively getting the most out of your training routines. These people are interested in basic things for training like goggles, swimwear, water aerobics, weights, wet suits and others. They are also interested in new products, ideas, exercises, or anything when it comes to finding new ways to get the most out of your swimming.

Product definitions

Pik-Po is a small waterproof device that should be attached behind the ear under the swimmer's cap prior to training. If the athlete prefers, it can be attached on the elastic of the goggles. It has buttons that control the pattern of the sounds to be emitted in the hundredths of a second precision in which you will determine the exact rhythm of the sound to be worked, to concentrate the work on the stroke rate. The device transmits an audible beep on the athlete's pace within the water that can be used as a beep to discover swim performance problems until reaching the perfect pace. It has a mobile battery and also has a sync button and a new swim mode that generates more functionality. Pik-Po is adjusted by the swimmer before beginning the exercises for a certain rhythm. When you start the exercises, the device will start to emit beeps according to the determined rhythm giving the swimmer the desired rhythm. The model enhances the technical quality associated with the desired speed. The Pik-Po was created for swimming but can be used in other sports, such as cycling, running track, canoeing, for example, due to its ease of adjustment, and especially practicality in handling.

Some interesting details regarding the material:

- By the precision of hundredths of a second, the adjustment gives the coach the conditions to work on more precise technical issues, such as swimming rhythm, number of strokes, control and administration of swimming coordination.

 -Great for sprinters who can control their technique in high intensity work pattern.

-Use the Tempo Trainer to control the intervals of work activity and the preprogrammed rest time.

-To focus the work on arm stroke distance

-To focus the work on the stroke rate

Key Competitors

Pik-Po has two key competitors.

Tempo Trainer Pro, which has been on the market since 2012, is one of the products of Finis, a Californian company, very well known in the sporting environment, since 1993. Fins has products turned to swimming, has a long history for being created by former swimmers and carry names of great swimmers such as Anthony Ervin and Jason Dunford. Fins has the saying, "We Simplify Swimming, for the athlete, for the coach, for the beginners, both young and old and for the lifelong swimmers." The other competitor is the Wetronome mk2. Product of Swim Smooth, another company focused on products related to swimming and swim coaching. Swim Smooth is best known for his Swim Smooth Squads, it allows them to share their knowledge and experiences with other coaches.


The products on the market, Wetronome Mk2 has a cost of $ 85 and the Tempo Trainer Pro, varies the price between $35- $50. The price depends on what materials are used, logically that the companies want their products to be durable and resistant, the material used is very important, especially because it is waterproof product. Where it is manufactured, whether the labor is expensive or not. How much profit is expected in return. And how many functions this small devide can do. To penetrate the market rapidly, Pik-Po will be going to offer the product for $ 30- $ 40, keeping, in average, the same price as the Tempo Trainer Pro, not cheaper to show that is a quality product and not more expensive to reduce the purchase options of other more expensive products

Budget and promotion mix

According to the website, in the budgeting of operating costs and expenses, accounting will be relevant, as it will present the historical values, relating the level of operations with the corresponding disbursements, such as: sales taxes, payroll, general production expenses, administrative and sales expenses, financial expenses, etc. Pik-po product strategy is to provide a high-quality products to the customer, to differentiate the products from the competitors and to maintain the consistency of the value of the products. Pik-Po devices will use direct sales, mail order and online sales as the main distribution methods. Where these methods are popular among customers and it will match the objectives of the marketing plan. The promotional mix is the combination of marketing tools that form the strategies to be used with the consumer (MG Team, 2011). Pik-Po would set 15/20% of sales as a promotional budget. The company in the beginning will establish a connection with the target clients, the swimmers, taking the product as a sample in competitions and swimming workshops. Then launch internet advertising and consumer magazines that help build a brand image. The company will also make wholesale promotions for swim teams that want to buy a large number of the product at once. Being able to sponsor someone or some other team that can carry the name of the product.


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