Resenha getulio vargas
Por: thaaaaaaay • 30/8/2016 • Resenha • 847 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 551 Visualizações
[pic 1]
[pic 2] NOME: ____________________________________________________________________________ TURMA: 1T3_______ Nº___________ PROFESSORA: Rosemary Ricci ATIVIDADE DE RECUPERAÇÃ0 SEMESTRAL – VALOR = 2,0 PONTOS |
1) Complete os espaços com a forma verbal adequada para as seguintes sentenças na voz passiva.
a) The fire destroyed the house.
The house ___________________________ by the fire.
b) Many people will see the program.
The program ________________________________ by many people
c) Scientists have applied a new theory.
A new theory ________________________________by scientists.
d) The teachers are preparing the exams.
The exams _____________________________________ by the teachers.
e) The children broke the Chinese vase.
The Chinese vase ________________________________ by the children.
f) Feminism reflects changes in society.
Changes in society __________________________________ by feminism.
g) Computers store information.
Information ________________________________ by computers.
h) The students saw the film.
The film __________________________________ by the students.
i) Shakespeare has written this poem.
This poem ___________________________________ by Shakespeare.
j) The company would build a new industry.
A new industry _____________________________________ by the company.
2) Assinale a alternativa correta para cada uma das questões testes a seguir:
Uma das sentenças abaixo está mal formulada e, em contraste com as outras quatro, não apresenta o verbo na voz passiva. Qual é?
a- The matter will be discussed in our next meeting.
b- The children were taken to the park.
c- The watch was stolen some days ago.
d- The contracts are being prepared.
e- The bill was paying.
A forma passiva de:
“That girl is drinking your soda” é:
a) Your soda is being drunk by that girl.
b) Your soda is drunk by that girl.
c) Your soda was being drunk by that girl.
d) Your soda was being drinking by that girl.
e) Your soda is being drinking by that girl.
Observe as sentenças:
1) The boys’ toys are brand-new..
2) Lost pets are looked after by them.
3) The teacher is not aware of your doubts.
4) The children are protected by Bono Vox.
5) This cake could be eaten by everyone.
Quais delas estão na voz passiva?
a) apenas a 4 e 5 d) 1, 3 e 5
b) 2, 3 e 4 e) 2, 4 e 5
c) 1, 4 e 5
QUESTÃO (04) U. Estadual de Campinas
O verbo na passiva que melhor completa a sentença :
“The first heart transplant ...................... by Dr. Christian Barnard in 1967.”
a) performed d) was performed
b) was performing e) were performing
c) will be performed
Indique a voz passiva correta de:
“That author wrote The old man and the sea.”
a) That author has written The old man and the sea.
b) The old man and the sea was being written by that author.
c) The old man and the sea was written by that author.
d) The old man and the sea wrote that author.
e) The old man and the sea has been written by that author.
A voz passiva de: “Martha has kissed the teacher.”, é:
a) Martha has kissed him.
b) The teacher kissed Martha.
c) The teacher was kissed by Martha.
d) The teacher has been kissed by Martha.
e) Martha was kissed by the teacher.
Complete a sentença com a forma passiva mais adequada.
“The telephone .......................... in the nineteenth century and is now used in all the countries in the world.”
a) has been invented
b) had invented
c) was been invented
d) would have been invented
e) was invented
A voz passiva de
“She writes interesting speeches.”é:
a) Interesting speeches are wrote by her.
b) Interesting speeches are written by her.
c) Interesting speeches were wrote by her.
d) Interesting speeches were written by her.
e) Interesting speeches are write by her.
3) Reescreva as sentenças no “reported speech”
a- She said, “I have dreamed about this day.”
b- They said to us, “We don’t want to see anybody today.”
c- I said to her, “You missed your class yesterday.”