Rotina Semanal
Por: francivam • 8/11/2015 • Projeto de pesquisa • 326 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 238 Visualizações
My Weekly Routine
In Monday
I Wake up at five o’clock
I brush my teeth and take a shower at five-ten in the morning.
I drink coffee around five thirty-five.
I go the bus stop the six-twenty.
I enter the second bus six-fifties.
I arrive at work the seven-forty.
Stop for lunch to one o’clock
Back from lunch at two o'clock in the afternoon.
I get off work at five in the afternoon.
I enter the School at seven o'clock in the evening.
Range eight-forty-five night.
Range finish nine o'clock at night.
I leave the college nine and forty-five night.
I go on the bus ten five night.
I get home, I shower and do college work the ten thirty-five p.m.
I look for something to eat, the half past one in the morning.
I brush my teeth and go to sleep, three in the morning
Minha Rotina Semanal
Segunda-feira feira
Acordo as 5:00 horas
Escovo os dentes e tomo banho as 5:10 horas.
Tomo café por volta das 5:35 horas.
Vou para o ponto de ônibus as 6:20 horas.
Entro no segundo ônibus as 6:50 horas.
Chego no trabalho as 7:40 horas.
Paro para almoçar as 13:00 horas.
Volto do almoço as 14:00 horas.
Saio do trabalho as 17:00 horas
Entro na Faculdade As 19:00 horas
Intervalo as 20:45 horas
Termino do intervalo as 21:00 horas
Saio da faculdade as 21:45 horas
Entro no ônibus as 22:05 horas
Chego em casa, tomo banho e faço os trabalhos da faculdade as 22: 35 horas.
Procuro algo para comer as 1:30 horas
Escovo os dentes e vou dormi as