Risk Report - Ingles
Por: Alunos 015B • 29/9/2018 • Trabalho acadêmico • 281 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 191 Visualizações
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Executive Summary
WCM will be going public early next year and wants to persuade the public to buy shares in the company. However, WCM is considering to sign a contract with ATZ and start mining in Africa. A meeting was held to analyze the risks of the contract and decide to mention the project in the prospectus.
This report will look at:
- Risks of mining in Africa
- Evaluate risks (scale)
- Decision to include the project in the prospectus
5 considerable risks were found about mining in Africa:
- The exploitation risk, potential sites were found in Kango on the other hand is no guarantee the deposit will be profitable
- The security risk, civil disturbance has been happening in the area as a result mining companies have been attacked by gangs of robber and some workers have lost their lives
- The health risk, by mining the area could result in workers and inhabitant sufferings because of industrial emissions. The water has been contaminated, so is not drinkable
- The economic risk, the economy of Africa is tremendous volatile. An election will be held in six months
- The financial risk, the exchange of the local currency is flaunting. New machines will be expensive
Important aspects were commented in the meeting and possible recommendation were elaborated.
- Buy new machines to exploitation the sites (low risk)
- Create walls and invest in guards (high risk)
- Protect the workers with IEPs (risk-free)
- Persuade the government of both parties (very high risk)
- Save money, as a result the company will be possible to be prepared for future financial risk
- The project Africa shouldn’t be in the prospects of the company
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