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Life and Teachings of Christ CFNI

Por:   •  18/11/2020  •  Artigo  •  726 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  152 Visualizações

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Life and Teachings of Christ Reflection Paper

Coming to CFNI was a challenging event for me. I’ve always seen God as a distant almighty

being, Who didn’t care about us at all. I’ve never saw Him close to me, or felt that He

actually cared.

I guess I couldn’t think that an omnipotent being could feel what we feel, our fears, anxieties,

incapabilities and the feeling that your are not enough. I couldn’t see God in a human way.

After spending one semester here at CFNI, I still struggling with that. Although, every

teaching and preaching had told me the opposite, I just couldn’t take that thought out of my

mind. Until that point my life was resumed at seeing God in a military sense, a general, who

you don’t question, just obey.

The Life and Teachings of Christ class was a turning and challenging point in my life. I saw

myself being convinced that I was wrong in many thoughts I always had. The teacher just

showed me a human, personal, friend and, at the same time, Godly Jesus.

My perspective of God was changing completely to the opposite. He wasn’t a ruler, He is a


Furthermore then just changing my perspective of God, it began to change my perspective of

myself in relation to God. The way I saw myself, unworthy, unloved and hopeless to

someone so beloved that The Almighty Himself came down to save.

The lesson about Samson showed me how confident we should be on God, and if we get

close to Him, it’s not any dogma breaking that will push Him away from us.

I discovered that God is love. God is the root of everything good. God's love is at the heart of

every Christian's faith. God loves no matter what. God's love always was and always will be.

God showed us how much God loved us by sending us God's only son, Jesus, to save us. God

also showed his love through creation. Everything God created is good. God gave us the

power and free will to do whatever we want with God's gifts. We as Christians believe that

God's love is everlasting and unfailing. No matter what we do, the only way a person can be

separated from God's love is through our own choice. God lets us decide on our own, whether

we accept his teachings.

But the total turning point for me was in August, day 27th it was my birthday. My friends

asked me what I wanted to do, and that was really just one thing I wanted, an italian ice

cream called Amarena which I had only found in Brazil and Italy. I looked for it over Dallas

and didn’t find it before. But on that day a friend of mine were able to find one place where



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