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Functions and Powers of the Health Managers

Por:   •  1/5/2015  •  Abstract  •  1.981 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  468 Visualizações

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Functions and Powers of the Health Managers:

Picture with some differences:

Some differences | GOVERNMENT SPHERES |


POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING | - Strategic role and normative-Incentive Institutional Strengthening and innovative practices of State and Municipal Management | - encouraging the Institutional Strengthening of Municipal Secretaries of Health-promoting regionalization | - Organization offering and utilities and hiring private If needed |

FINANCING | - Paper redistributivo- Investments and allocation between policy areas and between regions / states | - Ivestimentos and allocation of federal and state resources between policy areas and between municipalities | - Application criteria for federal, state resources and municipais- Conducting investments in municipal |

SETTING, COORDINATION, CONTROL AND EVALUATION | - of system performance evaluation estaduais- regulation of health markets (private plans and supplies) - regulation of state systems | - Performance evaluation of municipais- system Coordination of PPI at state-control systems municipal | - Evaluation of results dasd municipais- policies Establishes reference flows and integration of the network services- control systems |

EXECUTION SERVICES DIRECT | -Only in areas / strategic actions | - welfare Service state / regional reference, more complex actions -Execution services in cases of need and the city manager omission | - Implementation of actions / direct provision of services assitenciais--run health facilities |

Some similarities | GOVERNMENT SPHERES



FORMULATION OF POLICIES AND PLANNING | definação-identification problems and priorities at the national level | - identifying problems and definação priorities at the state level | - identifying problems and definação priorities at the municipal level |

FINANCING | -Achievement investments to desigualdades- reduction seeks equity in resource allocation | -Achievement investments to desigualdades- reduction seeks equity in resource allocation | |

SETTING, COORDINATION, CONTROL AND EVALUATION | -normas sanitary regulation at national level | health-regulation (where appropriate) | - sanitary regulation (where appropriate) |

The State Health Plan was prepared and approved by the State Health Council in 2007, being driven "discussion and the establishment of priorities and actions for SUS / SP, considering both the variations in the state epidemiological situation, as development of existing service network, seeking to reduce inequalities in the existing health profiles across regions and sectors of the population - equity in SUS "(State Health Plan, SES SP, 2008).

The definition of Priority Axes considered the analysis of state health situation, the accumulated technical knowledge on major health needs of the State of São Paulo, national priorities for Health Pact, in addition to the priorities of the health policy of the State Government of Sao Paulo:

Axis I: Expansion of public access, reducing regional disparities and improving the quality of health actions,

Axis II: Strengthening and

improvement of the State management capacity,

Axis III: Education and Labor Management in SUS,

Axis IV: Reduce Child Mortality and Maternal,

Axis V: Risk Control, Diseases and Injuries Priority in São Paulo,

Axis VI: Development of health services and actions to segments of the population most vulnerable to disease risk or have special needs,

Axis VII: Encouraging the development of promotional activities in SUS,

Axis VIII: Strengthening Community Participation and Social Control in the SUS management,

Axis IX: Technology and Innovation in Health.

From the Priority Axes were drawn up 10 programs with targeted projects for the implementation of the State Plan:

* Programme I - Strengthening and Improving State management capacity.

* Programme II - public access magnification, reducing regional disparities and improving the quality of health actions.

* III program - Ensuring efficiency, quality and safety in pharmaceutical services and other inputs.

* Program IV - Investment and improvement of own state health services.

* V Program - Management of Education and Labour in SUS.

* VI Program - Technology and Innovation in Health.

* Program VII - Risk Control, Diseases and Injuries Priority in São Paulo.

* VIII Programme - Development of health services and actions to segments of the population most vulnerable to sickness or specific needs.

* IX Program - Encouraging the development of promotional activities in SUS,

* X Program - Strengthening community participation and

Social control in the SUS management.

Programs are based on the skills of state management in the NHS: it is up to the Department of Health (SES) overall responsibility for the formulation and coordination of health policy in the state. Other features also remain under the competence of the SES SP, such as:

* Keep your own health care, hospital or outpatient (the direct, indirect and Health Social Organizations - OSS), which are regional reference, specialized or complex system (SES SP plays an important role in producing health services, with expanding access to inpatient and outpatient services regional referral, with a specialized network of 71 own hospitals - 42 direct administration and 29 OSS - and 11 state public teaching hospitals, which concentrate on high complexity, and a new outpatient network created by Resolution 39/08 SS, with 37 Ambulatory Medical Specialties - AMES - running);

* Keep the institutes and foundations with specific functions in state health, such as the Foundation for Popular Medicine (FURP), Pro-Blood Foundation Blood Center of São Paulo, Oncocentro Foundation (FOSP), research institutes (Butantan Institute,


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