The Golo Submarine Turbidite System (east Corsica Margin): Morphology And Processes Of Terrace Formation From High-resolution Seismic Reflection Profiles
Artigo: The Golo Submarine Turbidite System (east Corsica Margin): Morphology And Processes Of Terrace Formation From High-resolution Seismic Reflection Profiles. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: angola • 12/2/2015 • 4.403 Palavras (18 Páginas) • 489 Visualizações
The Golo submarine turbidite system (east Corsica margin):
morphology and processes of terrace formation
from high-resolution seismic reflection profiles
Received: 13 September 2002 / Accepted: 16 July 2003 / Published online: 2 September 2003
Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract New high-resolution seismic reflection data
collected along the eastern margin of Corsica have
been analysed to describe the morphology of the turbidite
systems located seaward of the Golo River
mouth. The boomer data reveal that there is not only
one turbidite system directly associated with the river,
but four additional, non-coalescing systems which grew
simultaneously. In the south, the system has the typical
morphology of a turbidite deposit rich in mud and
sand with a well-developed meandering canyon and
channel morphology. In the north, they have the
morphology of sand-rich turbidite systems with shorter
straight channels. The southernmost deposits are
interpreted to represent a more advanced stage of
turbidite system development. Terraces, recognised by
their particular seismic facies on boomer profiles which
clearly differs from the surrounding levee facies, are
observed in the channel meanders. They are interpreted
as confined levees built by vertical accretion due
to deposition from low-energy flows. Despite limited
penetration, boomer seismics are demonstrated to be a
useful complement to lower-resolution sparker data.
The boomer data are superior (1) for the characterisation
of fine-grained turbidite deposits by extending
seawards the limits of the turbidite systems commonly
defined by the acoustic response of sands, (2) in
demonstrating the persistence of turbiditic processes
farther towards the basin, and (3) for proposing conceptual
models for the formation of terraces in fan
The three-dimensional structure of turbidite systems is
rarely observed in continuity in ancient turbidite systems.
Conversely, modern turbidite systems suitable for
the study of such 3D geometry usually lie in water depth
greater than 1,000 m, making data acquisition difficult.
In recent years, improvements in multibeam echosounding
and high- or very high-resolution seismic
techniques have added a new quality to the data, as a
result of which numerous investigations of modern turbidite
systems have been undertaken. The main objectives
were: (1) to define the global extent of turbiditic
systems and their morphology from the continental shelf
to the deep ocean, (2) to determine the physical processes
controlling their development, and (3) to compare
their structure and evolution with conceptual models
developed for the interpretation of ancient counterparts.
Turbidite systems may develop sandy channels and
lobes, and are thus considered to be good exploration
models for hydrocarbon reservoirs, in particular because
of their high connectivity and low heterogeneity
(Shanmugam and Moiola 1991).
Up to about 10 years ago, bathymetric, seismic and
sedimentologic data from the eastern margin of Corsica
were insufficient to allow an accurate definition of the
nature of the surficial sedimentary layers. Bathymetric
surveys using a multibeam echo-sounder during the
MESSIM cruise of the N/O Atalante in 1991 (for location
of study area see Fig. 1) for the first time provided
evidence of the presence of small turbidite systems, but
the data were not accurate enough to define their morphology
and structure in detail (Bellaiche et al. 1993).
These turbidite systems were found to be small (<20 km
in extent) and rich in sand. The small size of these
Geo-Mar Lett (2003) 23: 117–124
DOI 10.1007/s00367-003-0131-4
L. Pichevin Æ T. Mulder Æ B. Savoye Æ A. Gervais
M. Cremer Æ D. J. W. Piper
L. Pichevin (&) Æ T. Mulder Æ A. Gervais Æ M. Cremer
De´partement de Ge´ologie et Oce´anographie,
UMR 5805 EPOC, Universite´ Bordeaux 1,
Avenue des Faculte´ s, 33405 Talence cedex, France
B. Savoye
Ifremer, Centre de Brest, DRO/GM, BP70, 29280