O Modelo Relatório
Por: hugo8fernandes • 18/11/2020 • Monografia • 808 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 263 Visualizações
Insert the main title here[pic 1]
Ano Letivo 2020/21
Elaborado em: xxxx/xx/xx
Nome e número do(s) Aluno(s)
List of Figures ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Fichas Laboratoriais 2
2.1. Networking Today 2
2.1.1. Initialize and Reload a Router and Switch 2
2.1.2. PT - Navigate the IOS 2
2.2. Basic Switch and End Device Configuration 2
2.3. Protocols and Models 2
2.4. Physical Layer 2
2.5. Number Systems 2
2.6. Data Link Layer 2
3. Conclusion 2
4. References 3
List of Figures
Figura 1-1 – Matlab image (adapted/reproduced from [1]) 1
Each chapter should have a title formatted with “Heading 1” style. Sub-sections should be formatted with “Heading 2” style. If a lower level section is need, “Heading 3” style can also be used. Text should follow “Normal” style. Using a consistent style allows an easy reading, makes the navigation through the document effortless and shows a professional and organized work.
Tables and figures (such as Figura 1-1) must be identified with the word "Tabela", "Figura", or other appropriate descriptor, and include a title and/or caption. You must use a consistent format for titles and captions of tables and figures.
[pic 2]
Figura 1-1 – Matlab image (adapted/reproduced from [1])
Tables (such as Tabela 1), figures and other such items must be numbered consecutively in order of appearance within the report. They should be located within the chapter immediately following first reference to them.
Tabela 1 - Characteristics of the planets (adapted/reproduced from [2])
Name of Planet | Average Distance from Sun | Diameter |
Mercury | 57,900,000 km (36,000,000 miles) | 4,878 km(3,031 miles) |
Venus | 108,160,000 km(67,000,000 miles) | 12,104 km(7,521 miles) |
Earth | 149,600,000 km(92,960,000 miles) | 12,756 km(7,926 miles) |
Mars | 227,936,640 km(141,700,000 miles) | 6,794 km(4,222 miles) |
Jupiter | 778,369,000 km(483,500,000 miles) | 142,984 km(88,846 miles) |
Saturn | 1,427,034,000 km(888,750,000 miles) | 120,536 km(74,900 miles) |
Uranus | 2,870,658,186 km(1,783,744,300 miles) | 51,118 km(31,763 miles) |
Neptune | 4,496,976,000 km(2,797,770,000 miles) | 49,532 km(30,779 miles) |