Turismo Trabalho de inglês
Por: belyyy • 27/9/2016 • Projeto de pesquisa • 323 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 368 Visualizações
The tourism activities presents nowadays conveniently in certain localities with regard to the implementation of investments by its ability to generate capital.
Without planning tourist activity ends up developing in a disorderly manner, and the location can be seen with a profile that does not match their reality. In some cases, not knowing their real potential, preference is given to some weak attractions, over others with greater possibility of developing occasionally situations like this occur the lack of application of evaluation methods that would point to attractions more aptitude, or because of suitable interests by municipal managers.
It is understood that tourism has an important role in the economic, cultural and social exchange. For this reason, it is crucial to know the perceptions and attitudes of residents in tourist areas on the impacts generated by tourism in their places of residence.
Tourism depends on the local community and being tourists increasingly interested in seeking the new, exchange experiences, to find exotic or even family, this activity however contradictory it may seem need to deploy or educate trainers values of the receiving community. The tradition, local roots must be rescued in order to format a product for commercial tourism and above all join the community that will welcome tourists within this perspective. So the concept of heritage should involve not only content, but also the cultural, interpersonal and natural site conditions representing. Tourism is a phenomenon that represents culture and society, mainly.
Tourism Planned may be how to integrate the local routine people living in the locality, the need to conserve nature and lead to community knowledge ecotourism that is increasingly growing, concern for the environment, greater ecological awareness and a way to escape from the routine and stress of large cities make people increasingly seek this type of tourism. Brazil is full of natural wonders that have multiple locations with attractive for the practice of ecotourism, an example is Cachoeiras de Macacu in RJ.