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Ingles Present Continuos

Por:   •  22/10/2020  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  1.020 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  187 Visualizações

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INGLÊS / 7° ANO[pic 1]

Profa. Marta

Aluna: Maria Luiza Da Costa Gonçalves Teles.[pic 2]

  • Elementary exercises to the irregular verbs


Sentence construction in the Past Simple with irregular verbs

affirmative sentence

subject + irregular verb form + object + adverb of place + adverb of time

E.g. I broke a vase in the living-room yesterday.

negative sentence

subject + did + not (didn’t) + verb + object + adverb of place + adverb of time

E.g. I did not (didn’t) break a vase in the living-room yesterday.

interrogative sentence

(Wh-question) + did + subject + verb + object + adverb of place + adverb of time

E.g. Did you dust the shelves in the living-room yesterday?

     When did you break a vase in the living-room?

short answer

You give short answers to yes-no questions.

Yes, subject +did. Or No, subject + didn’t.

E.g. Did you dust the shelves in the living-room yesterday? Yes I did.

No, I didn’t.

  1. Write the past tense form of the verbs on the line.
  2. learn        Learning
  3. bring        Brought
  4. feel        Felt
  5. catch        caught
  6. give        Gave
  7. know        Knew
  8. be                Was
  9. leave        Leht
  10. hold        Held
  11. cost        Cost
  12. drive        Drove
  13. buy        Bought
  14. grow        Grew
  15. keep        Kept
  16. hear        Heard
  17. do                Did
  18. can                Canned
  19. become        Became
  20. lose        Lost
  21. eat                Ate

2) Write the past tense form of the verbs in the brackets on the lines.

  1. Tim brake (break) the window.
  2. I cut (cut) my finger.
  3. The Smiths built (build) a new house for their dog.
  4. Mary drew (draw) a horse.
  5. He bit (bite) me.
  6. My face hurt (hurt).
  7. The school Began (begin).
  8. We found (find) a good film.
  9. They had (have) dinner.
  10. Birds flew (fly) over the trees.
  11. She got (get) flowers from him.
  12. We came (come) to the party.
  13. He hid (hide) his presents.
  14. You went (go) to the cinema.
  15. Peter fell (fall) from the tree.

3) Rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense. Then write a negative sentence. Look at the example below.

e.g. He writes a letter. 🡺 He wrote a letter. 

                                       He didn’t write a letter.

  1. He loses his job.

He lost his Job / Negative: He didn’t loses his Job

  1. We learn English.

We learned English / Negative: We didn’t learn English.

  1. The fire burns.

The fired burns. / Negative: They didn’t fire burns.

  1. Matthew drives a car.

Matthew drove a car. / Negative: Matthew didn’t drives a car.

  1. The dog brings a bone.

The dog broght a bone. / Negative: The dog didn’t brings a bone.

  1. You drink some coke.

You drank some coke. / Negative: You didn’t drink some coke.

  1. Trees grow in the garden.

Tress grew in the garden. / Negative: Trees didn’t grow in the garden.

  1. I know your address.

I Knew your address. / Negative: I didn’t your address.


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