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Por:   •  30/11/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.631 Palavras (7 Páginas)  •  151 Visualizações

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January 1 - Day of Universal Fellowship and Peace

The first day of the year by the Common Era calendar was chosen by the United Nations to promote universal brotherhood. For all people, it is time to start over. The arrival of one year always arouses the expectation of opening a new cycle full of transformations.

Carnival - Learn why the date of revelry changes every year

True to his doctrine, every year the Catholic Church vehemently fighting the excesses committed by revelers during most popular celebration in Brazil, the carnival. What few people know is that this pagan revelry has its timetable as a result of a calculation system invented by the Catholic Church itself.

March 8 - Data points out that women struggle for equal rights

Since 1975, the 8th of March is celebrated by the United Nations as the International Day of Women. On this day in 1857, the workers of a factory in New York went on strike to demand the reduction of working hours, the right to maternity leave and the equalization of their wages to those of men. The women were locked in the factory and, due to a fire, 129 of them died.

Mothers teach children, "lies have short legs", and the consequences of an untrue story can be severe. But on 1 April, the April Fool's Day, people around the world play with each other, playing tricks and telling fibs. The explanation is historical.

Friday - Catholics celebrate the passion and death of Christ

The holiday of Good Friday - or the Passion of Christ - exists in all countries of Catholic tradition. But even if people's attention focuses mainly on that date, the Friday is part of a larger set, consisting of the three days preceding Easter Sunday, and in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church is called the Paschal Triduum .

Easter - Christians celebrate the resurrection and Jews freedom

Easter is a moveable feast of the Christian religious calendar. To set the date on which it falls every year, it uses a calculation system created by the Catholic Church. As a basic rule, Easter must fall on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere - usually, to March 21

April 19 - Indian Day was born in 1940 at the Inter-American Congress

April 19, 1940 was the date on which the indigenous delegates met for the 1st time in meeting the Inter-American Congress. All the countries of America were invited to attend this celebration.

April 21 - Tiradentes was hanged for fighting for the independence of Brazil

The April 21 is a national holiday. It is a tribute that Brazil provides the sacrifice of Joaquim, who was hanged and quartered, to April 21, 1792, due to his involvement with the Minas Conspiracy - one of the first movements organized by the inhabitants of Brazil, in the sense to achieve the country's independence in relation to Portugal.

Mother's Day - 1st celebration was on May 12, 1918, in Porto Alegre

The Mother's Day origins are lost in time. They are confused with the cult of goddesses of fertility, harvest or spring. In ancient Greece, there were parties to the goddess Rhea, mother of the gods. Among the Romans celebrated to Matronalia in honor of the goddess Juno, in early March. Be the pagan cults or in traditional religions, motherhood and their meanings were always celebrated.

May 1 - Labor Day honors strike American workers

On 1 May is celebrated Labor Day and workers. The act of working is present in human life since primitive times. The caveman, for example, needed to hunt in order to feed themselves and survive. Thus, one of his daily challenges was to find an animal and slaughter it.

May 5 - We celebrate our anniversary (Guilherme and Gustavo)

Father's Day - The date is moveable, but no one forgets the old

On the second Sunday of August, how about a bike ride with his father? Or why not go out to you bear a walk? Or prepare a special Comidinha for him? Also worth a card, a kiss. After all, this is Father's Day.

August 22 - Folklore Day honors the Brazilian popular culture

In 1965, THEN president, Marshal Castello Branco, through Decree 56.747 , officiated at the August 22 As the Day of Folklore , a homage to Brazilian popular culture. HAVE ORIGIN folklore Word no English Old Since "people " means people and "lore " You say knowledge , culture.

Sept. 7 - Independence of Brazil

On September 7, 1822, the Prince Regent Dom Pedro, angry with the requirements of the court, officially declared the political separation of the colony who ruled and Portugal. In other words, he proclaimed the independence of Brazil.

September 21 - Arbor Day reminds importance of nature

In Brazil, the tree day is celebrated on September 21, at the eve of spring. In the North and Northeast of the country the trees are often honored also in the last week of March, time of onset of the rainy season in the region.

October 12 - Day of Our Lady of Aparecida patroness of Brazil

The Day of Our Lady of Aparecida is celebrated annually on 12 October. This is the date that honors the patron saint of Brazil, the boy's mother Jesus, also known as Santa Maria. The Day of Our Lady of Aparecida is considered a national holiday in Brazil.

Children's Day which was created by decree of the President Artur Bernardes

The Children's Day was officially established in Brazil by a decree of President Artur Bernardes in 1924. But only much later, in the 1960s, spawned the idea of truth.


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