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Por:   •  14/2/2019  •  Abstract  •  4.389 Palavras (18 Páginas)  •  330 Visualizações

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I wish to thank my tutors Armando Magaia and Gaspar Nhabinde, for the ongoing support and guidance from the very early development to the completion of this Portfolio. The interaction and exchange of ideas with my classmates inspired me to explore my research interests in this Portfolio.

I am particularly thankful for their feedback which helped me to reach my objectives as well as articulate my ideas and opinions in this Portfolio. I feel like to have Dr. Gaspar as my tutor. I also wish to take this opportunity to thank my family, Rose Cumbe my wife and kids Dulcidia and Trini, who have encouraged me to pursue my educational goals and provided me great support along the journey.

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements        i

Introduction        1

Teaching Philosophy        3

How I became influenced in teaching        3

My goals for the future of Education        5

Evaluation of my Educational Development in UEM        7

Expectations I had for my educational development        7

Comparisons / Contrast of the reality of my educational development        7

Realistic advice on how to improve the teaching of English Language in Mozambique        7

The school        9

My teaching experience        10

Observations of host teacher classes as observed by me        10

My approach to beginning teaching and my first teaching experience        10

Students' motivation or lack of it in learning English        11

My strength and weakness as a new teacher        12

Strategies for improving my teaching        12

Summary        13

Bibliography        14

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This portfolio was written as a result of all the experience I gathered by the time I was engaged in the Eduardo Mondlane University, doing the English Language Teaching Course.
The Portfolio is divided by two parts, the portfolio part and the teaching report. The first part conveys the introduction, containing my academic backgrounds as well as work experience. Then the teaching philosophy where I specified how I got my first impression with the English language, as well as the role of Education in Mozambique, and of the English language particular. I also infer about the goals to achieve in this area of education. The Portfolio part brings as well the evaluation I made from the University I held the course, contrasting the reality inside the university with the expectation I had from it, before the
entrance.[a] Then the second part – The Teaching Report which contains the description of the school I where I have done my teaching practice ([b]location, type of school, numbers of students and teachers, description of classroom, general atmosphere, etc.) Including my teaching experience. In this part I focus on the observation of the host teacher, the approaches and teaching experience I have gathered during the teaching practices, the student motivation and the reasons for lack of it, my strengths and weakness[c]es as a teacher as well as the strategies for improving m[d]y teaching and by the end the summary which includes comments on teaching methods I have learned and the ones I rather prefer.[e]






Paulo Sérgio  

Date of birth

October, 27 of 1979

I.D. number


Place of birth



Matola City/Machava-Bunhiça, House nr.1011, B nr.13

Phone number

+258 84 55 94 489


Paulo Fabião Machava and Salmina Mahumane

Academic qualifications

  • 1999/ Grade 12th at Matola Secondary School;
  • 1997/ Grade 10th at Machava-Sede Secondary School.

Professiona Experience

  • 2002-2015:  Working as Teacher at Bedene-Machava Upper School;
  • 2016- Up to now: Working at Bedene-Machava Secondary School as Teacher of English.


  • Portuguese               Fluently
  • French                      Reasonable
  • English                     Fluently

Professional qualification

  • 2008 - Medium Technician in Public Administration Formed by IFAPA.


  • Communication skills;
  • Flexibility and willingness to learn;
  • Adaptability in any work environment;
  • High sense of responsibility.


  • I am willing to perform the duties I am given;
  • To show my skills and to exceed my limits;
  • My interest is to learn, to grow in life professionally.[f]


  • Has adaptability in any work environment.
  • Dynamic.
  • Communication and respect.
  • Immediate availability.

Teaching Philosophy

How I became influenced in teaching

My interest in English language begun[g] when I was at Primary school. As my elder sister was attending secondary school by that time, she was the one who first pronounce some phones of English language at home. She used to bring from school letters of music mainly soul music, so as the music plays she used sing [h]following the music with the letter. It got me very hook in English as I liked music, and observing her singing was amazing. From there I started to look for letters of my favorites singers and sing their music's[i]. Other thing that motivated myself also, is the fact that those letters contained the meaning of each word. This encouraged me so very [j]to improve my vocabulary.


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