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A Importância De Preservar A água! INGLÊS

Artigos Científicos: A Importância De Preservar A água! INGLÊS. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  2/10/2013  •  267 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  2.383 Visualizações

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Preserve the water and at the same time preserve the life!

This is the new campaign the company's Eco Construction’s that has as main objective to inform you of how important it is to preserve water and also show some ways to do that!

Below are some tips for you to conserve water:

-Brush your teeth with the tap closed.

-Wash the dishes with the tap closed, open only to rinse.

-Soak up quick and turn the shower to lather your hair.

-Reuse water from the washing machine to water the plants. Do the same with the water in your pet.

-Set the flushing the toilet so you do not spend a lot of water.


Nowadays, to conserve water has become a major task for our lives, and it is increasingly important since the waste is increasingly common throughout the world. It is up to each of us start worrying about this condition, because if this continues for some time, the water can become scarce out, what would be very difficult, both for us humans and for animals and plants!

Tasks for water conservation such as those cited above are simple and easy to perform, and very help our planet and ourselves.

Scientists and researchers have found some way to help the global population, such as desalination of oceanic waters and maritime as well as the purification of the fresh water of some rivers polluted. Ms these processes are expensive and difficult to perform because they involve equipment too advanced in terms of technology, it further underscores the importance of preserving water pure and sweet that we have in our hands!


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