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About Brazil

Por:   •  5/5/2015  •  Resenha  •  498 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  223 Visualizações

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Brazil is the biggest country the South America and it has an estimated population of 190 million inhabitants.

Normally the weather in Brazil is very tropical. There are a lot of rivers, forest, beaches, indigenous groups, biodiversity and the most famous forest in the world, the Amazon Forest.

The typical food in Brazil is the Feijoada, that are black beans with pieces of pork and it is accompanied by white rice, farofa (side dish based on manioc flour), chopped spring greens and pepper sauce. But this food is more traditional on Wednesdays and Saturdays. During the week people eat rice, beans, some salad and some meat.

Coffee is the most important drink in Brazil. Everybody drinks coffee after all meals.  All though the Brazilians like to drink Caipirinha (lemon and rum with sugar) and beer on weekends, but also sometimes the people drink beer during the week. They call beer the “Icy Blond” (Loura Gelada).  

The most famous commemoration in Brazil is the Carnaval. The Carnaval happens 40 days before Easter, so it hasn’t got a specific day to commemorate. But normally it happens in February. During the Carnaval the popular music is samba and axé. The Brazilians like different types of music such as MPB, pagode, samba, axé, dance, bossa nova and others.  So the most important sport in Brazil is soccer. Brazilians love soccer games and they like playing soccer too. There are many famous soccer players such as Pelé, Cácá, Ronaldinho, Robinho, and others.

The Brazilians value the family and normally they have a small family with 3 or 4 members. But the older families have a big family with more than 5 members. Most Brazilians are Catholic.

I live in Sao Paulo which is the most important city in Brazil and has the most populous. The Brazilian people consider Sao Paulo the principal financial centre, corporate and commercial, all over Brazil and Latin America, but the world considers Sao Paulo the most global city on the planet. Also Sao Paulo is a multicultural city.

Because Sao Paulo has significant national and international influence, it is known worldwide. It has important monuments, parks and museums such as the Latin American Memorial, the Museum of the Portuguese Language, MASP, the Ibirapuera Park, the Botanical Garden of São Paulo and Paulista Avenue, and events of great worldwide recognition such as the Biennial International Art, the Grand Prix Formula 1 in Brazil, Sao Paulo Fashion Week and the Sao Paulo Indy 300.

 The weather in Sao Paulo is very crazy because sometimes it is warmer and closer and sometimes it is colder and foggier. There are days that you have the four seasons in the same day.

There are in Sao Paulo the “Marginais”, it is like a big runaway that interchange some places with districts and the opposite too. In the rush time there is awful traffic, sometimes all cars are parked for long times. This is very stressful.

So Brazil is my country and Sao Paulo is my city!


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