Against Believing Everything on the Media
Por: Thiago Kamida • 6/3/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 1.856 Palavras (8 Páginas) • 422 Visualizações
Against Believing Everything on the Media
Which reasons has people to trust so much on the media? In all the world, there are many kinds of media that people use to entertainment. In developed countries, there are also many kinds of media, and they have also the most known companies in the world. The U.S. has a lot of kinds of media, such as internet, television, radio, and newspaper. These media show every day many kinds of news and programs, and many people follow the news by these medias every day. The media which is watched by many people in all the world is not so trustful because it influences people's life and it also can be influenced by the government and corporations. People shouldn't trust in everything that they see on the media.
In many places around the world exist countries where the media is strictly controlled by the government. Some of these strict countries have the control of the media and the media is owned by the government; people can't choose what they want to see or in what they will believe because the government says everything that they can trust or not. These government are very concerned about what people will think if they have access to all the information about the country. Some of the strictest countries in the world are China and North Korea. In China the government is very strict; we can see this in some understanding cases that happens between the world's media and the government on china. One example of this according to the article "China Blocks Web Access to Times After Article" is that the government of China blocked the web sites of The New York Times because of its article about the wealth accumulated by the family of the country's prime minister. This is a clear example that the government of China doesn't want that its population see this kind of information, and it also shows that China controls all the media inside the country. Another strict country is North Korea; North Korea controls everything inside its country. People in North Korea only can watch or hear news of the government's media, they can't choose other ways of communication to see news. One example of this according to the article "North Korea's tightly controlled media" that said that the Radio and TV in north Korea are supplied pre-tuned to government stations and radios must have been checked and registered with the police. The article also said that in North Korea the internet use remained restricted, and only a small section of the elite who had received state approval and foreigners living in Pyongyang had access to the internet. This passage of the article shows that in the North Korea the people can't choose what they want to see, and they have no access to news outside the country. People in North Korea don't have access to the internet because of the strict government.
Beyond all the problems with strict countries, people also have another problems with authoritative counties which control the people and what they do. In addition, some countries which control the people are note so strict like North Korea or China, but they control everything in different ways. Recently, the media in all the world had their focus in one subject: the Snowden case. The Snowden case is the case that a guy called Edward Snowden provided confidential information about the N.S.A. (National Security Agency) collecting information of many people in the U.S. and around the globe to a journalist. The article "Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower" said about it, and also said about the government's agency that is collecting information about the people in an invasive way. The agency track peoples phones, email, friends, and contacts to collect information. The article also said about two federal judges that accused the N.S.A. of violating the U.S. constitution. According to the article "Mr. Snowden was clearly justified in believing that the only way to blow the whistle on this kind of intelligence-gathering was to expose it to the public and let the resulting furor do the work his superiors would not." Snowden showed to the world that we don't have liberty nowadays. According to the article, Snowden who had revealed that government officials have routinely and deliberately broken the law, he should not have faced life in prison at the hands of the same government. The reason is that this circumstance is too dangerous for him, so he has no choice unless stay in exile in other country. The article also said that the president Barack Obama should have told his aides to begin finding a way to give to Snowden an incentive to return home.
Another key fact to people stop believing in everything on the media is the sensationalism. Sensationalism on the media change the way that the news are seen. In the people's history, the sensationalism was developed for many reasons. One example is from the article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" that quoted "Let a Gazette come out filled with the finest descriptions of prosperity, general health, growing trade, internal peace and prevailing virtue." in this part the article showed a newspaper that came with good news to people, but are these things what people want to see in a newspaper? They should be news that people want to see on the newspapers, but they were not. The article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" continued saying "It will be read almost with indifference and thrown away...” this is the real reaction of people reading good things on newspapers. On article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" also shown the contrast "In contrast, let Gazette inform us detail of a plague, civil war, or dreadful famine and this paper would deeply engage the attention, be read over and over again and pronounced a valuable paper.". This is the people's reaction when they read bad news because it is what they really want to see in a newspaper. People prefer to see bad news in the newspaper because they can talk about it for many times, and it looks more interesting that a subject discussing about healthy food or something like this. Since a long time in the past, journalists have perceived that people want to see bad news instead good news. Bad news sell more newspapers than good news, and sell means that they can get more money with bad news than with good news. As a result, sensationalism is used for many kinds of media in all the world. The article "Why Humans Value Sensational News: an Evolutionary Perspective" discussed about if many of us assume that