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Apresentações E Cumprimentos (Ingles)

Dissertações: Apresentações E Cumprimentos (Ingles). Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  8/6/2014  •  904 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  299 Visualizações

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Apresentações e cumprimentos


Complete os exercícios abaixo:

1. Complete the conversation with: my, your, his or her:

Matt: Tony, this is my friend. Her name is Jennifer Miller. Jennifer is in you English class.

Tony: Nice to meet you. What’s my last name again?

Jennifer: It’s Miller.

A Excuse me. Are you Mr. Brown?

B No, I a’m not.She’s over there. My name is Nicole Parker.

A Oh, I’m sorry. Well, it’s nice to meet you.

B Nice to meet you, too.

2. Circle the correct word in parentheses:

a. A What are (it / this /these)?

B (This / They’re / It’s) earrings.

b. A (Is this / Are these / This is ) your sunglasses?

B No, (is / it’s / they’re) not.

A c. A Is (the / this / they) a notebook?

B No, it I isn’t. It’s (a/ an / the) address book.

3. Check the correct response:

a. Good-bye. Have a nice day. (_) Not bad. How are you? d. Good evening, Beth.

(_) I’m just fine. Thank you. c. Hi. How are you?

(_) It’s nice to meet you. (X) Not bad, thanks. (X) Hello. How are you, Mr. Smith?

(_) Good night. (_) Great. How about you, Mr. Smith?

X) Thanks. You too. (_) Nice to meet you, too. (_) Good night. See you tomorrow, Mr. Smith.

b. See you later.

(_) I’m Ok. Thank you.

(X) Ok. Bye-bye.

4. Look at the pictures and write sentences using: This is a/an………. or These are…………

a) These are a sunglasses g)_ This is a wastebasket

b) This is a watch

h) This


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