- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

Ava Colaborativa

Casos: Ava Colaborativa. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  26/9/2014  •  318 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  316 Visualizações

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Responda as seguintes questões em, no máximo,10 linhas cada, e poste a atividade para avaliação do tutor.

Por que a leitura é uma experiência única, individual até mesmo quando duas pessoas leem uma mesma obra?

No vídeo, há uma cena mostrando os resultados do trabalho de uma professora com seus alunos. Apesar da obra lida ser única, os resultados são distintos, diferentes.

Por que isso acontece?

Como um professor deve atuar ao verificar tal diversidade em sua classe?


This research discusses reading practices of elementary school students, focusing on aspects

of language according to the Bakhtinia perspective and the question of reading as a social

practice including different experiences of reading subjects. Considering social-cultural

transformations we are passing by, schools need to find ways for offering significant

experiences to students, understanding their constitution as reading subjects. On the basis of

concepts of Bakhtin’s Circle (dialogism, verbal interaction, social relationships, responsive

attitude, discourse genres), this study aims to reflect on the constitution of students of the

second cycle of basic education as readers considering reading practices carried through by

them at school and the Internet. For doing this, 31 (thirty and one) 7th graders (8º year) of a

county school were asked to engage in a reading project involving mainly readings suggested

by their teacher and books chosen by themselves. In addition, we investigated discussions on

this subject in the classroom and in an Orkut virtual community. Talking meetings about

reading among these students were filmed and written registers were done of their posts about

he subject in forums of the virtual community created especially for this purpose. The

analyzed episodes show that students constitute themselves as school readers by resignifying

reading practices and other practices which are part of their daily lives. Interactions they

engaged in and the efficaciousness of their teacher’s mediation of the process are essential

elements for this constitution. This study can help reflections by teachers in general about


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