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Colosso De Rodes Em Ingles

Exames: Colosso De Rodes Em Ingles. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  12/10/2014  •  308 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  328 Visualizações

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The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of Helios, the Greek sun god, built between 292 BC and 280 BC by the sculptor Chares of Lindos. The statue was thirty feet high, 70 tons and was made of bronze.

The statue served as the gateway to the island of Rhodes. According to some historians, the legs of the Colossus connected the banks of the channel through which the travelers came to Rhodes. The Colossus would have one of his hands a lighthouse that served to illuminate the night boats.

The inhabitants of the island of Rhodes built a statue to celebrate the withdrawal of the troops of the king of Macedonia, Demetrius, who was responsible for a long siege of the island in an attempt to conquer it. Demetrius was the son of General Antigonus, who inherited Alexander the Great, a part of the Greek empire.

Made entirely in bronze, the statue took 12 years to complete, but stood just 55 years, it was destroyed by an earthquake in 225. C. Later, the Arabs invaded Rhodes also took the pieces and the statue and sold them. The statue, with a size equivalent to a 10-story building was built on a marble base, legs, hollow, had inside stone columns, to give support. Mountains of dirt were placed around the statue so that the workers could work in construction and could go up as they advanced. Most of the iron used came armaments left by the Macedonians, the island in the failed invasion. The cavities were filled with rubble and stones. In the end, for the completion of the head, the rest of the body of the statue was completely covered with earth, so that the workers had access to the same jobs. Once complete, the land was withdrawn and the statue can be cleaned and polished by the workers.


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