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Exames: Concurso. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  22/3/2015  •  205 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  175 Visualizações

NM 196:1999 Elevadores de passageiros e montacargas.

Guias para carros e contrapesos - Perfil T

ISO 834:1975 Elements of building contruction

ISO 3008:1976 Fire-resistance tests - Door and

sutter assemblies

EN 10025:1993 Hot rolled products of non alloy

structural steels - Technical delivery conditions

EN 294:1993 Safety of machinery - Safety distances

to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper


EN 60068-2-27:1993 Basic environmental testing

procedures - Part 2: Tests - Test Ea and guidance:


EN 60068-2-29:1993 Basic environmental testing

procedures - Part 2: Tests - Test Eb and guidance:


EN 60947-4-1:1992 Low-voltage switchgear and

controlgear - Part 4: Contactors and motor-starters

- Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters

IEC 60068-2-6:1995 Environmental testing - Pa

2: Tests - Test Fc:Vibration (sinusoidal)

NM 196:1999 Elevadores de passageiros e montacargas.

Guias para carros e contrapesos - Perfil T

ISO 834:1975 Elements of building contruction

ISO 3008:1976 Fire-resistance tests - Door and

sutter assemblies

EN 10025:1993 Hot rolled products of non alloy

structural steels - Technical delivery conditions

EN 294:1993 Safety of machinery - Safety distances

to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper


EN 60068-2-27:1993 Basic environmental testing

procedures - Part 2: Tests - Test Ea and guidance:


EN 60068-2-29:1993 Basic environmental testing

procedures - Part 2: Tests - Test Eb and guidance:


EN 60947-4-1:1992 Low-voltage switchgear and

controlgear - Part 4: Contactors and motor-starters

- Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters

IEC 60068-2-6:1995 Environmental testing - Part

2: Tests - Test Fc:Vibration (sinusoidal)


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