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Por:   •  16/3/2015  •  2.916 Palavras (12 Páginas)  •  204 Visualizações

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Procedimento de Instalação do Lotus Domino 6.5.5 em ambientes AIX

1. Preparação para a Instalação

• Instalar o aplicativo WINSCP, localizado em Lotus-Infra\Utilitários;

• Logar no servidor com o usuário NOTES;

• criar o diretório /local/notes/tmp/setup;

• Verificar se o dono do diretório é o usuário NOTES:

server/local/notes/tmp # ls -l

total 0

drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Mar 15 15:51 lost+found

drwxr-xr-x 2 notes notes 256 Apr 04 11:09 setup

server/local/notes/tmp #

• Copiar os seguintes arquivos com o WINSCP para o diretório /local/notes/tmp/setup:



Lotus-Infra\NotesR6\6.5.5\Domino 6.5.5 FP2\IBM Lotus Domino Server 6.5.5 Fix Pack 2 for AIX - English.tar









2. Instalação do IBM Lotus Domino 6.5.5

• Logar como usuário ROOT, e em /local/notes/tmp/setup, criar uma pasta chamada dominstall, entrar nela, e descompactar a instalação do domino para ela:

server[root] /local/notes/tmp/setup # mkdir dominstall

server[root] /local/notes/tmp/setup # cd dominstall/

server[root] /local/notes/tmp/setup/dominstall # tar xvf ../Domino6.5.5_AIX.tar

• Entrar no diretório AIX e iniciar a instalação como mostrado abaixo:

server[root] /local/notes/tmp/setup/dominstall # cd aix/

server[root] /local/notes/tmp/setup/dominstall/aix # ./install


Domino Server Installation


Welcome to the Domino Server Install Program.

Type h for help on how to use this program.

Press TAB to begin the installation.


Type h for help

Type e to exit installation

Press TAB to continue to the next screen.



Domino Server Installation


A lot of new features have been added to the Domino Server.

In order to install your server correctly, please read the Domino

Server release notes first, then run your installation. Otherwise,

you may experience problems when using the new features.


Type e to exit the Install program.

Press ESC to return to the previous screen

Press TAB to continue to the next screen.


=================================================================Domino Server Installation


In order to proceed with the installation of the Domino Server,

you must read and agree with the terms and conditions of the

Lotus Domino Software Agreement.

Press TAB to read the Lotus Domino Software Agreement.


Type e to exit the Install program.

Press ESC to return to the previous screen

Press TAB to continue to the next screen.


• Na tela do Acordo, pressione ESPAÇO até a tela seguinte aparecer:

IBM HTTP Server: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, You are authorized to install and use an unlimited number of copies of the IBM HTTP Server component of the Program on

any of Your machines, provided that only one such copy of IBM HTTP Server will be subject to the representations


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