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Família e amigos

Seminário: Família e amigos. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  30/8/2014  •  Seminário  •  634 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  182 Visualizações

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Family and Friends

1. Siblings

Do you have brothers and sisters? Describe one of them. Are you an only child? What did it feel like having no brothers or sisters? Do you think it’s better to have a large family or a small one? Why? Tell your partner about your ideal future.

2. Parents

What does it take to be a good mother or father? What do you appreciate most about your parents? What do you wish was different about your parents? What is one way you want to be like them when you have children?

3. Family Time

Some families have regular time to be together such as a family game at night. What do you like to do with your family? How do you spend time together? What is something you would like to do with your family but have not done up until this point?

4. Best Friends.

Who is your best friend? How did you meet? Why is that person important in your life?

5. Animals

Do you won a pet? Tell your partner about him or her. What type of pet do you want to own in the future? Why? What type of pet do you never want to own? Why?

Day in and Day out

6. A reason to Learn

Why are you studying English? What brought you to this program? What do you want to do with English when you have finished school?

7. Daily Habits

What are some things you do every day? What if you couldn’t do them? Tell your partner how your life would be different.

8. Morning and Night

Are you a morning person or a night person? How do you know? What happens if you have to be somewhere or do something during the time you prefer to sleep? Tel your partner about it.

9. My Favorite Meal

What do you like to eat? Why? Tell your partner about your perfect meal.What does it include? Who has prepared it? Who will eat it with you?

10. I Have to Have…..

Think of something you use every day. Describe it to your partner, but do not tell him what it is. After you have described it, have your partner guess what object it is.

Hobbies and Free Time

11. A Day off

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday or a day off from school or work? Describe your favorite past time. How does someone get started with that hobby?

12. Camping

Have you ever been camping? What was it like? If you have never been camping, what do you think it’s like? Do you want to go? Why or why not? What would you be sure to bring with you on a camping trip?

13. You’re a Pro

What do you know about that

others might not? What can you tell others about that topic? What do they need to know?

14. Expert Instruction



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