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Por:   •  14/3/2015  •  807 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  313 Visualizações

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5 news apps

Feel like you’re falling behind? Check out these apps that can dig you out of that work morass.

If you’re being crushed by a deluge of information, urgent tasks and meeting requests, having the right mobile apps for business is absolutely critical to remain productive and, well, sane. Which apps you choose depends on you: Which reminders motivate you? Which drive you nuts? What do you want in your face, and what do you prefer to keep behind the scenes?

Here are 5 mobile apps for business that let you organize your day your way. They can be used on both Apple and Android devices, and they’re all free.


EasilyDo is kind of like a cartoon octopus reaching its tentacles into the depths of your phone, connecting your email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Evernote accounts and cleaning them up, removing dupes and invalid addresses. Then it swims to the surface and tells you how to get to your upcoming meeting, complete with driving directions and weather conditions along the route. If you’re running behind, it can even send a text message to the people you’re supposed to meet, to let them know you’re on your way.

It has other perks too — like scanning your inbox and alerting you to immediate action items and urgent emails. It can even tell you who is having a birthday, and offer to send along your best wishes. It does all this by being heavily integrated with your other apps — which some may balk at. However, the idea is to help you accomplish whatever you think is important in the most efficient way possible, according to co-founder Hetal Pandya:

“Our team at EasilyDo set out to create a proactive assistant that saves people time and delights them with convenience. Every task that we’ve built is carefully curated based on pain points we saw busy professionals tackling in their daily lives.”


Timeful not only schedules events and tasks, it helps you develop the good habits you keep talking about but never find time for. It has three scheduling categories: events (things at set times, like meetings), to-dos (the good ideas that pop into your mind ) and habits (things you want to do regularly, like exercising). You tell the app your schedule — your working hours, sleeping hours and most productive times. Then Timeful’s algorithm sets up your events and to-dos and finds what it thinks will be the best time to practice your new habit — before or after work. Of course, you could do this yourself. But do you? If the answer is no, Timeful may provide the boost you need to follow through.

Using the right mobile apps is critical for information mobility in your business: having the right technologies and processes so that your changing workforce can use your critical business data to make the best possible business decisions. And in the new world of work, you need to be able to do it anytime, anywhere.


Well, you stayed up half the night working on your presentation, and now you’ve forgotten to bring it to the meeting. Sure, you know exactly where it is on your home computer, but a fat lot of good that does you now. Well, if you had TeamViewer, this wouldn’t be a problem. It’s one of those mobile apps


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