Ingles (educação Sexual)
Monografias: Ingles (educação Sexual). Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: m1l4 • 25/8/2014 • 467 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 725 Visualizações
Q e A: Dating dos and don'ts
I don't feel ready to be sexually active, and even if I did, I'd be scared about stuff like pregnancy and AIDS. How can I convince my friends this doesn't make me a loser?
You're right to be concerned of having sex. It's not a decision to be made lightly, and it's something that can really mess you up - not just in terms of pregnancy or disease, but also in terms of coping emotionally with all of its related issues. If you don't want to be sexually active, the worst thing you could possibly do is let yourself be influenced by what your friends are doing or saying.
2- My parents aren't prepared to talk to me about birth control. And I'm not thrilled with the idea of having to force a "birds and bees" conversation with them just because I need someone to advise me. Whom can I turn to?
First and foremost, we can't stress enough that your decision to become sexually active should not be taken lightly. In talking to teens all over, it has become clear to us that many of you have made the decision to have sex. Unfortunately, many of you have made that decision without giving adequate thought to the possible consequences. Aside from the potential for emotional crises that arises when one engages in sexual activity before one is truly ready, there are the dangers of unwanted pregnancy, AIDS, and other diseases (STDs). (...) If nothing you're taught can convince you to refrain from having sex , then the next best thing is to find out the best precautions to take. Agian there are guarantees, but you can take certain steps that will afford you at least a degree of protection. Even if your parents are willing to talk to you about birth control and safe sex , you should ask them to make an appointment for you to speak with a professional. It's possible that your parents aren't aware of the latest findings and protections.
3. what does "safe sex" mean?
For teens who have made a decision to have sexual intercourse, we recommend the three Safe Sex Guidelines outlined by lynda Madaras in her book Lynda M. Talks to teens about AIDS: (1) limit your partners, (2) know you partners, and (3) use condoms and spermicide every time you have intercourse. It is well known that the more partners a person has the more likely her or she is to contract an STD. (...) We strongly urge both the male and the female to have their own method and use it when they have intercourse. It is also extremely important to know your partner's sexual history so that you can decise not to have sexual intercourse if that person has been engaging in high-risk behavior.