Lerning Style
Trabalho Escolar: Lerning Style. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: tatou • 27/10/2014 • 574 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 221 Visualizações
Learning Styles
Know and Use Your Personal Learning Style
Your learning style can be helpful in improving your grades.
Students learn in many ways, like seeing, hearing, and experiencing things first hand. But for most students, one of these methods stands out.
Why is this important? Research has shown that students can perform better on tests if they change study habits to fit their own personal learning styles.
For example, visual-learning students will sometimes struggle during essay exams, because they can't recall test material that was "heard" in a lecture.
However, if the visual learner uses a visual aid when studying, like a colorful outline of test materials, he or she may retain more information. For this type of learner, visual tools improve the ability to recall information more completely.
A simple explanation of learning styles is this: some students remember best materials they've seen, some remember things they've heard, while others remember things they've experienced.
How can you determine your learning style?
Eventually, you may want to consult a professional or your counselor for advice on learning styles, but you may take a quick quiz to see if the results match your habits and preferences.
You can also recognize your own style by looking over the characteristics. If any of the traits and characteristics below sound familiar, you may have identified your own style.
Visual Learner Characteristics
Visual learners are those who learn through seeing things. Look over the characteristics below to see if they sound familiar. A visual learner:
• Is good at spelling but forgets names.
• Needs quiet study time.
• Has to think awhile before understanding lecture.
• Is good at spelling.
• Likes colors & fashion.
• Dreams in color.
• Understands/likes charts.
• Is good with sign language.
Learning Suggestions for Visual Learners
• Draw a map of events in history or draw scientific process.
• Make outlines of everything!
• Copy what's on the board.
• Ask the teacher to diagram.
• Diagram sentences!
• Take notes, make lists.
• Watch videos.
• Color code words, research notes.
• Outline reading.
• Use flashcards.
• Use highlighters, circle words, underline.
Best Test Type for Visual Learners:
Diagramming, reading maps, essays (if you've studied using an outline), showing a process
Worst test type:
Listen and respond tests
Auditory Learner Characteristics
Auditory learners are those who learn best through hearing things. Look over these traits to see if they sound familiar to you. You may be an auditory learner if you are someone who:
• Likes to read to self out loud.
• Is not afraid to speak in class.
• Likes oral reports.
• Is good at explaining.
• Remembers names.
• Notices sound effects in movies.
• Enjoys music.
• Is good at grammar and foreign language.
• Reads slowly.
• Follows spoken directions well.