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O Diálogo em Inglês

Por:   •  25/3/2021  •  Resenha  •  472 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  394 Visualizações

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Inglês VI



  1. Orientations to the task

Student A script:

[pic 3]

Student B script:

[pic 4]

Attention to:

- Who calls is student B;

- Start the conversation using some greetings (Hello, how are you? How are things going? And others);

- Explain/Clarify the reason for the call (topic 1);

- Complement the main idea (topic 2);

- Make questions about other theme (topic 3).


Joel - B - Hello.

Jose - A - Hello Joel, Jose speaking, how are you?

Joel - B - I am fine, thanks. How about you?

José - B - Fine, thanks.

José - B - Joel, I Would you like to inform you that Focus Group meeting will take place at the Commercial Institute on Thursday, 25 August at 10:00 a.m.

Joel - A - Ok, Jose. Let me get a piece of paper to write down the address.

Joel - A - Ok, tell-me. What is the address?

José - B - The address is 20 Koningnelaan 2482 BN in Amsterdam.

Joel - A - Jose, I would you like to suggest two people to attend a meeting.

José - B - Yes, Absolutely. Can you give me information about them? I am writing it down here.

Joel - A - Ok José, Fist one is Elisavet Efstathiou. She is a marketing consultant based in Athens, Greece.

José - B - What´s her email?

Joel - A - Her email is

José - B What´s her phone number?

Joel - A - (812) 275 6381.

José - B - Ok.

Joel - A - And the second one is Katja Buchholltz. She is a head buyer for a department store in Munich, Germany.

José - B -Sorry, I didn´t catch that. Could you spell the first name?

Joel - A - Of course. Katja. K-A-T-J-A.

José - B - I got it.

José - B - What´s her email?

Joel - A - I don’t have her email address.

José - B - That´s ok. Do you have her phone number?

Joel - A - Yes, I do. Her phone number is (361) 339 4032.

José - B - Ok. I think. I´ve got all that.

Joel - A - José, I haven´t receive your sales result in France about last month´s.

José - B - Sorry about that, Joel. I´ve been really busy lately. However, I can tell you now. Can be?

Joel - A - Yes, sure.

José - B - We´ve had excellent results.

Joel - A - Good.

José - B - Yeah. We have met our sales target and increased our sales. Were 9% higher than the same period last year.


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