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Relatório de pesquisa: Odontopediatria. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  1/9/2014  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  1.161 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  420 Visualizações

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Dealing with the behavior of young, immature and sometimes frightened children as well as those who may be physically or mentally challenged is an area that is unique to pediatric dentistry. It requires an understanding of child psychology, pharmacology and child development mixed with patience, love and discipline. In our office, we do not sedate every child who needs work done on their teeth. Our goal is to treat the child in the safest, least invasive manner possible as the use of any medication always carries with it some risk of a bad reaction. We make every attempt to use our best judgment in determining which children need some form of sedation. In our practice last year we performed over 15,000 restorative procedures, such as fillings, crowns, extractions and root canals, but only used sedation about 3,000 times, 75% of which was the mild nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation (laughing gas).

Our decisions on how to treat a child are dictated by what is in the best interest of the child, not what is most convenient for the doctors or the parents/guardians. Please keep this in mind as you visit our office. Our goal is to facilitate a pleasant experience that does not cause your child a lifetime of fearing the dentist. We want to make the dental experience easy for them first, and then as easy for you and us possible.

Pediatric dentists are trained in many methods to help children feel comfortable with dental treatment. For example, in the "Tell-Show-Do" technique, a pediatric dentist might name a dental instrument, demonstrate the instrument by using it to count your child's fingers, and then use the instrument in treatment.

The modeling technique pairs a timid child in dental treatment with a cooperative child of similar age. Coaching, distraction, and good old TLC are other possibilities to give your child confidence in dentistry. But by far the most preferred technique is praise. Every child does something right during a dental visit, and pediatric dentists let children know that.

Occasionally a child's behavior during treatment requires assertive management to protect him or her from possible injury. Voice control (speaking calmly but firmly) usually takes care of it. Some children need gentle restraint of the arms or legs or head and mouth as well. Usually this simply involves a dental assistant in holding the child’s hands. Occasionally it is necessary to place the child in a “papoose” which allows us to safely restrain and facilitate safe treatment. We explain to the child that we are placing them in a “blanket” to “help keep them warm and safe.”

The majority of the time when the non-pharmacological techniques are not successful, all that is needed is some laughing gas (Nitrous Oxide). This involves the child selecting a flavored nosepiece to breath through, and simply placing the nosepiece on their face. The child is not “put to sleep,” however they do usually feel somewhat “tingly,” and “ticklish.”

Beyond the use of nitrous oxide/laughing gas, there are several other methods of conscious sedation that can be used. They may be administered either orally in the form of a syrup to drink, or as an injection. The details of these forms of sedation are best discussed with the Doctors on your first visit to our office, as there can be additional risks in administering them to a child.

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Depending upon the level of sedation that is required, your child will be monitored throughout his/her appointment with some combination of a pulse oxymeter (heart rate, breathing rate and oxygen level of the blood), a capnographer (the depth and quality of breathing), a stethoscope, a blood pressure cuff and clinical obser para que eu possa acessar esses trabalhos todos e used to better assure the safety of your child. A complete array of emergency medications are always in the room with any sedated child and both the doctors and their staff are fully trained in their use. While we cannot make sedation risk-free, we do all that we can in order to facilitate safety.

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Pre-Sedation Instructions

On the day of your child’s appointment, awaken him/her early and encourage him/her to play hard so as to insure his/her being tired and ready for a nap when you arrive at our office. Do not allow a morning nap or a car ride nap


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