Os fatores que afetam o anonimato no sistema de comunicação
Abstract: Os fatores que afetam o anonimato no sistema de comunicação. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: angelomc • 22/4/2014 • Abstract • 477 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 326 Visualizações
The fifteen year struggle of decentralizing
privacy-enhancing technology
Rolf Jagerman, Wendo Sab
ee, Laurens Versluis, Martijn de Vos,
Johan Pouwelse (course supervisor)
—Ever since the introduction of the internet, it has
been void of any privacy. The majority of internet traffic currently
is and always has been unencrypted. A number of anonymous
communication overlay networks exist whose aim it is to provide
privacy to its users. However, due to the nature of the internet,
there is major difficulty in getting these networks to become
both decentralized and anonymous. We list reasons for having
anonymous networks, discern the problems in achieving decen-
tralization and sum up the biggest initiatives in the field and their
current status. To do so, we use one exemplary network, the
Tor network. We explain how Tor works, what vulnerabilities this
network currently has, and possible attacks that could be used
to violate privacy and anonymity. The Tor network is used as a
key comparison network in the main part of the report: a tabular
overview of the major anonymous networking technologies in
use today.
1 I
All feelings of privacy concerning browsing the
internet, talking on the telephone or location
tracking of cellphones are an illusion. In recent
years the need for privacy-enhancing technol-
ogy has become more apparent. Revelations by
Edward Snowden of government misconduct
and constitutional violations have sent shock
waves through the internet.
We failed to make an internet that is secure
and private. Although much research has been
done on anonymous internet communication,
only few systems have been actually imple-
mented and only one is actively being used.
One of the most important factors that impact
anonymity in a communication system is the
number of users. A sufficiently large number of
users are required for a system to make guaran-
tees about its ability to protect the privacy of its
users. This makes it difficult to introduce a new
anonymous internet system, due to the