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Perspectiva do servidor Domino

Por:   •  10/4/2015  •  Tese  •  1.209 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  88 Visualizações

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Let me introduce myself; My name is Alan, i am 30 years old, i am marrage, i have one kid he is 8 months old and i live in Indaiatuba, near Kemin, about 10 minutes.

Today i work at IBM almost for 6 years as IT Analyst / Specialist working focused in Messaging and Mobile Solutions. So basicaly i manage MDM ( which is mobile device

management ) at server and client levels and large environments and i work with Domino and Notes as specialist. I am the focal of 3 big IBM customers, so i am responsible to:

Manage servers, clients , procedures, improvements, root cause analysis, i attend daily meetings with customers in US, Mexico, Europe, in these meetings, i report a dash board, incidents, requests, doubts, we discuss the enviroment, major incidents , high priority and many other info.

My support for this customers includes: Understading the problem and take action to solve it using: Phone, Locally in the company site, accessing remotly the user´s computer.

We uses ticketing tools, reports, procedures, and offcourse we use all the time, the GOOGLE.

Bachelor degree in: Management of Processes focused in IT.

Domino / Notes Client

Notes Client:

- Local Replica

- Locations

- Templates

- Team rooms

- Inotes ( which is the Webnotes )

- Synchornization / Replication

- ID management

- Certificates

- or

- Compact databases

- Refresh templates

- Run maintenances

Domino Server perspective:

Provide support as Administrator, perform deep analysis ( notes.ini , analyse logs like NSD , mantain large environments, execute upgrades ( hotfixes, interim fixes ) and improvements.

To work with: Connections, Person Documents, names.nsf, dircat, DAOS, Sametime, to execute a lot of commands in the DOmino Console e etc .. )

Talking about Domino, i know the Engineer team inside IBM , so if you have a Domino enviroment and for exemple you have a major problem that you are not able to

solve, you can open a PMR ( which is a ticket ) at IBM Engineer team and you send the server logs and they return to you with the necessary actions to be taken to

solve the problem, so i would have their contact to speed up and escalate for a quick solution.

***********LOCAL scenary:

User complain slowness to send and receive messages in Notes;


1- How many affected users ?

2- 1st action: Send an internal test email from my Notes database and check how long it takes untill reach end user´s database.

2nd action: Send an external test message to see if the problem is internal or external.

3rd action: After the 2 actions taken, check all other option, like: internet connection ( Wi fi or cable ), check if there is any error message,

and then check Notes Client Replication ( in case the user uses local replica instead of directly on the server ), location, Notes ID expiration date, clear cache e etc ..

**********SERVER scenary:

Muna Hammad calls Alan and inform: All users from Brazil office are not able to send and receive messages using Lotus Notes

This is pretty much different because it indicates a general problem with: 1- Network or 2- Domino server

1st thing is have a check on the network

2nd i would check DOmino server and see if there is a crash or something wrong and perform necessary actions ( could be an application restart, a server restart,

a Windows problem and etc ..


- Event Viwer analysis ( it help us to identify application crashes, who logged in the server and some security info )

- Capacity check ( Disk space, Server usage for processor, memory, page file and etc .. )

- Remote Desktop and other tools to connect into user´s computer ( IBM Ayudame, Team viwer , VNC , Join me, etc .. ) For those we only need the IP Address and

we are ready for troubleshooting

- Command prompt

-Manage drivers

-Control Pannel

-Manage programs ( Install, uninstall )

-Open , manage and use IIS Manager ( inetmgr ) ( Renew certificates )

-Use regedit to manage Keys

-Troubleshoot issues in brownsers, and all other programs


-Identify issues ( test connections , renew ip address if dinamic, reinstall network drivers


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