Potencial Zeta
Tese: Potencial Zeta. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: anysss • 26/3/2014 • Tese • 408 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 267 Visualizações
Zeta potential is a physical property
which is exhibited by any particle in
suspension. It can be used to
optimize the formulations of
suspensions and emulsions.
Knowledge of the zeta potential can
reduce the time needed to produce
trial formulations. It is also an aid in
predicting long-term stability.
Colloid Science
Three of the fundamental states of
matter are solids, liquids and gases. If
one of these states is finely dispersed
in another then we have a ‘colloidal
system’. These materials have special
properties that are of great practical
There are various examples of
colloidal systems that include
aerosols, emulsions, colloidal
suspensions and association colloids.
In certain circumstances, the
particles in a dispersion may adhere
to one another and form aggregates
of successively increasing size, which
may settle out under the influence of
gravity. An initially formed aggregate
is called a floc and the process of its
formation flocculation. The floc may or
may not sediment or phase separate.
If the aggregate changes to a much
denser form, it is said to undergo
coagulation. An aggregate usually
separates out either by sedimentation
(if it is more dense than the medium)
or by creaming (if it less dense than
the medium). The terms flocculation
and coagulation have often been used
interchangeably. Usually coagulation
is irreversible whereas flocculation
can be reversed by the process of
deflocculation. Figure 1 schematically
represents some of these processes.
Colloidal Stability and
DVLO Theory
The scientists Derjaguin, Verwey,
Landau and Overbeek developed a
theory in the 1940s which dealt with
the stability of colloidal systems.
DVLO theory suggests that the
stability of a particle in solution is
dependent upon its total potential
energy function VT. This theory
recognizes that VT is the balance of