Primavera de discurso final
Seminário: Primavera de discurso final. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: apml1509 • 27/4/2014 • Seminário • 394 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 290 Visualizações
ESLG 1410: Final Speech Spring 2014
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014
You will present a one minute original speech. Read the instructions carefully. Your grade will be based on:
1. Classroom delivery of speech (no reading!)
2. Marked transcript (one minute of speech)
3. Video Recording
Grade: 100 points* (Speech – 80 points and Transcript – 20 points)
Write out one minute of a prepared speech. This can be part of a class presentation you are working on, a presentation you’ve done, or anything else that is relevant to your work as a math, science, or engineering student. This will not be a complete speech – it might just be an introduction or a short segment of something longer.
Type out the first minute of the speech double spaced. Put a copy of your 1-minute speech (word doc) in the Dropbox for Final Speech before Thursday, April 24! Mark your copy of your transcript for focus words, thought groups and linking. This is required. Then, choose three Trouble Spots you want to work on. For example, you might want to work on specific vowel or consonant sounds, word endings, stress (word or sentence level), pitch levels and contours (intonation), reductions, etc. Use your Trouble Spots journal to help you identify areas that need work.
Have a native speaker read your transcript of the first minute of the speech. You can record your mentor reading the speech, or I will be happy to record it for you if you give me the transcript. Practice your speech. Practice, practice, practice until you feel comfortable. After you have practiced, have your mentor listen to you and ask for feedback.
You will present your one-minute speech on in class. No reading, please. You don't have to memorize – if you practice enough, the language should flow smoothly. Part of your grade will be on using eye contact. You can’t do this if you are reading.
Make sure you give me the marked transcript after you give your speech!
*Final speech comments – You will watch your video and write comments on your speech. You must submit your comments on D2L in the dropbox for Reflection Journal #3 by no later than Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at midnight! (Sorry I have to work fast to get your grades in.)
Grade: 20 points