Projeto em Inglês
Por: LYO123 • 11/5/2015 • Projeto de pesquisa • 1.033 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 348 Visualizações
Manaus – AM
1.1 THEME:
English for Specific Ends: Technical English
Knowledge Inclusion
Loma Yamané de Oliveira
1.4. TEACHER :
Rodrigo Porto
Fisk Languages School
Human Resources
We have a globalized economy, characterized by the Life Quality search at work – QVT, the organizations have been demonstrating a preoccupation, every time larger with its own image, like essential condition for a survival and success. This emphasis is dislocating little by little, for the interior of the company a thought, to start to to be worry, as well, with the image close to their employees.
The collaborators, need to be up-to-date to overcome their functions and tasks, is noted that to reach quality and productivity, it is necessary that the collaborators develop favorable abilities for a good individual and collective performance.
With the technical english, we can improve the capacity of managing the turbulences of the competitive market, with the purpose of the welfare of people in the working environment, with a clear understanding of the everyday , makes the people pass by tense situations without risking the physical and mental health.
The technical english belongs to fundamental importance for company's development. It is necessary, to work with motivated people and pledged with the activities that execute, because when there was a comprehension than is done, there is dedication and determination, the work is seen as satisfaction source.
To Improve life quality of the collaborators is to satisfy their needs and wishes .
It evidences, so, the conscience outlet that each person is integrant part of the organization and, as such, deserves to be valorized and motivated. The future of the company depends, essentially of the collaborators.
There is a donation for the society in general by each company, of people satisfied with the work, more tolerant with life, because they bring to the society a good company environment and good examples.
The phenomenon of the sudden globalization in the world and of consequent need to an efficient language of communication is a fact that is not up to us. Learn a language became an obligation for the professionals of several areas and for the ones that prepare to enter a labor market more and more competitive. The languages domain means growth, development and, above all, terms of accompanying quickly the new century and technology.
The english as the official language of the business world and considering Brazil's economic importance as country in development, dominate english turned survival synonym and global integration. The english learning opens the doors for the personal , professional and cultural development. The market nowadays considers a basic requisite required at the moment of the contract. Many times english knowledge means a salary up to 70% ( seventy percent ) higher.
The reality only is one; or you dominates one or more languages - and the English is primordial - or the chances will be small.
The companies try to expand for new markets and to integrate global operations, they realize this, more and more, the need to employees working on team and with for from the border regional beyond. This has been adding Importance in the English as common and practical language in the business. Moreover, the technology connected the employees and clients in a way never visas, and the English Tongue is today part of a common day of work .
However, the collaborators' great majority, mostly those of the production never had the opportunity of going to an english's course to study, another; it only owns the basic and some has a complete formation in a foreign language.
It makes clear the need to companies support more their collaborators, and many companies mostly the ones of the industrial district in Manaus, support of several forms when they want to improve the working hand, they support with : University, Post – graduation, English Course, Spanish Course, etc... , more when it is the production, packers, raw materials receiver the English is different than is usually seen in the courses. They almost do not own conversation or writing.
The employees own difficulties working with the machines that are brought from outside , they own difficulties reading the manual of the machine that is in Spanish or is in English ( they are technical words), and they have complications with the parts, etc..., all this not made available in courses and neither discovered with easiness in dictionaries, and in which moment of work they will have opportunity of siting down and search the words that have doubts? there is a devaluation regarding people's intelligence. So why it does not create inside the companies, courses with the english specify for each area - Only worked for the functions that need not a conversation or write .