Projeto De Inglês - Campanha Contra O Cigarro
Ensaios: Projeto De Inglês - Campanha Contra O Cigarro. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: josemelog • 21/6/2014 • 217 Palavras (1 Páginas) • 411 Visualizações
Campaign against cigarette: Stop smoking!
Many people who smoke want to quit, but there are those who don’t. They have a variety of reasons for this, for example: they may think that they won’t be able to follow through with it. Some people don’t want to stop smoking simply because they don’t think that they can. Maybe, they tried before and were not successful.
Nowadays is prohibited smoking indoors.
Smoking during pregnancy harms the health your baby!
Cigarette smoke harms nonsmokers.
53,000 nonsmokers die every year from secondhand smoke
Smoking might kills
Smoking causes emphysema in the lungs
Smoking is a real crime against health
To have a healthy life, don't smoke!!!
Campaign against cigarette: Stop smoking!
Many people who smoke want to quit, but there are those who don’t. They have a variety of reasons for this, for example: they may think that they won’t be able to follow through with it. Some people don’t want to stop smoking simply because they don’t think that they can. Maybe, they tried before and were not successful.
Nowadays is prohibited smoking indoors.
Smoking during pregnancy harms the health your baby!
Cigarette smoke harms nonsmokers.
53,000 nonsmokers die every year from secondhand smoke
Smoking might kills
Smoking causes emphysema in the lungs
Smoking is a real crime against health
To have a healthy life, don't smoke!!!