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Read Me Finale 2003

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Additional Information about

Finale 2003 for Windows

Finale 2003 Read Me, May 2002

Copyright © 2002, MakeMusic!, Inc/Coda Music Technologies

Congratulations on your purchase of Finale 2003 for Windows!

IMPORTANT: Read this document before you begin working with Finale 2003 and print a copy of it to keep with your Finale information.

This file contains important information about Finale 2003 not included in the User Manual as well as information about converting older files into the new version's format. Please note that Finale 2003 files cannot be opened in previous versions of Finale.

This document is organized by each version's changes; those of you already familiar with earlier versions may wish to read only the new information. The Read Me contains the following sections:

• Running Finale 2003

• New features in Finale 2003

• Fixes in Finale 2003

• Fixes in Finale 2002b

• Fixes in Finale 2002a

• Fixes in Finale 2002

You may also visit our web site,, for updated information about Finale and information on new releases.

• Running Finale 2003

Installing Finale 2003 on WindowsNT/2000/XP

If any previous version of Finale has been installed on the machine, Finale 2003 recommends that you restart your computer and log on as System Administrator before installing on WindowsNT/2000/XP systems. This will prevent erroneous font warnings.

We recommend that you install Finale, and any other software, when logged in as System Administrator.

We recommend that you turn off any programs running in the background, as virus detectors can often prevent Finale from installing necessary files and updating the registry. Rest assured, your Finale CD does not contain any viruses. To turn off all programs running in the background: Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete once to bring up the Close Program dialog box. (In Windows NT, 2000, or XP, press Ctrl-Alt-Delete, then click on Task Manager.) This lists every process that is running on the system. Explorer and Systray are always running, so leave them alone. If you see anything other than those two, click on any one of the others and click End Task. When that goes away, press Ctrl-Alt-Delete again and End Task on another one in the list. (If a program remains on the list after you have tried to End Task on it, click on it, click and hold on End Task for 10 seconds, then release it. If a "This program is not responding..." message appears, click End Task in it). Repeat the process until only Explorer and Systray are left. Some computers may have some other "required" programs - if Ending Task on a program crashes the computer, try again without Ending Task on that program.

Starting Finale 2003 - DLLs

Most applications (including Coda products) require a set of files, the Microsoft redistributables, in order to work successfully on your system. These redistributable files are normally already present on most systems and are not generally included in application setup/install scripts - doing so would add about 1.5 MB to the size of the package, and cause a longer installation process. More importantly, as these files are constantly updated by Microsoft and are operating-system specific, including these files in an application installer could result in incorrect files being added in your system and subsequent problems.

In rare cases these files may be missing or out of date on your system. In this case an error will be reported when you start the program. Here are some examples of the errors that could be reported:

If the files are missing...

'The dynamic link library MSVCP60.DLL could not be found in the specified path...'


'The dynamic link library MSVCRT.DLL could not be found in the specified path...'

If the files are out of date...

'The OCXTS.EXE file is linked to missing export MFC42.DLL:6880.'

We have included a special setup program (dllupdateb.exe) containing just these redistributable files for users who are experiencing these problems. However, these may not be the latest versions of these files, so this is less preferable than searching for a more recent version. Follow the steps below to run the setup program we've included:

• Run the setup program dllupdateb.exe - found on the CD in the Finale Extras\DLLFILES folder. You may be asked to reboot your computer - in which case it is important that you do so before continuing.

• The application should now start correctly.

User Manual

For full documentation on how to run Finale 2003, see the User Manual. To access the User Manual, choose the Help menu, then User Manual, then Table Of Contents.

Searching the User Manual

Finale 2003 includes special index files for use with the Acrobat Reader Search Plug-in. With the Search Plug-in, you can search for help in all chapters of the User Manual. We've included the Search Plug-in as part of the Acrobat Reader installer on the CD. The Search Plug-in is also available for free downloading as part of the Acrobat Reader at Make sure you check "Include option for searching PDF files".

Exercise Files

After successfully completing a Typical Installation of Finale, the Finale Exercise files (which will take approximately 3MB of space on your hard drive) will be installed. These files are necessary in order to use Finale's Exercise Wizard feature.


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