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Revolucao Indutrial

Monografias: Revolucao Indutrial. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  5/9/2014  •  1.082 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  230 Visualizações

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oints out that the French Revolution of 1789, which consolidated the power of the bourgeoisie in France and throughout Europe, as had previous step to the English Revolution of the seventeenth century and the Revolution in the Netherlands in the previous century. Each of these revolutions has expanded the scope of the transformation that the bourgeoisie held until a universal character with the revolution of 1789. Developments between 1640 until 1658, a period of many battles between royalists and parliamentarians, to the death of the leader and winner of the revolution Oliver Cromwell, was the first general manifestation of European verdadeiramene character of the ruling regime crisis, the feudal manoaquias. Its economic consequences will be enormous, creating the conditions for comppleta hegemony of British capitalism on the world until the early twentieth century.

The crisis of the monarchy gave way to bourgeois parliamentarism which still exists today and is still in the bourgeois political structure model. Nowadays, this is the system that is in frank decay and terminal stage.

At first the bourgeois revolution of the story is that it was one of the most controversial political figures of the country, responsible for the beheading of a monarch "divine right" and that today raises several debates, in the case of natural ideological struggle between revolutionary and counterrevolutionaries. Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was a soldier and statesman with short career. Led his army when he was already 43 years. Guided by a strong belief in the Puritan religion, from the time he was taken to parliament followed an escalation that would take him to proclaim the Republic and become military dictator with the title of Lord Protector of the Community (Commonwealth) English. Great military leader was his exceptional Cavalry "ribs of iron" (Ironsides) and found the first regular army and national history, the New Model Army (New Model Army) .Herdeiro from a family of many possessions, but have no money, became a rich man and one of the most influential of England. At the same time he dedicated his life against the religious monopoly, the Catholic Church and the dictatorship of the feudal monarchy, crushed without hesitation leftist dissent within the army and a series of revolts in Ireland and Scotland, whose effects persist today. Was partisan parliamentary question, but participated in the validation of the first paralmento and closing two others to impose a military dictatorship.

His unpublished made, always justified by the "will of God", marked Europe forever.

Rise and fall of a Protestant monarchy

The England between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries experienced a long period of crisis that gave way to the powerful British capitalism of the seventeenth century.

Henry VIII challenge both the Catholic Church as the dominant European power that supported, Spain. Deepened the Protestant Reformation started in Germany by confiscating the property of the clergy, breaking with the authority of Rome and forcing the clergy subordinate to the crown in the Anglican Church. One of his key ministers was one of Cromwell atenpassado the same name. After his death, in the reign of his eldest daughter, the kingdom experienced a serious attempt to return to power by the Catholic wing of the aristocracy. During the long and glorious reign of Queen Elizabeth I (Elizabeth), his other daughter, Spain and the Catholic reaction were finally defeated with the destruction of the Great Armada in the back of the British island in 1588 was the beginning of the final decline of Spain and the beginning of the rise of France as the leading power in continental Europe. The small island kingdom conquered the New World. Vessels brought great wealth and stories about distant lands. The Elizabethan, or Elizabethan, was also marked a vast cultural life, revealing the giant names like William Shakespeare and poets and playwrights of the wingspan of Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Philip Sidney, Walter Raleigh (a favorite of the queen, the privateer and vaiajante New World), Michael Drayton, John Donne, Thomas Campion and Edmund


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