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Por:   •  20/5/2016  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  2.158 Palavras (9 Páginas)  •  175 Visualizações

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To smile, smiled: to make a smile: to make the corners of your mouth turn up in an expression that shows happiness, amusement, pleasure, affection, etc.       Ex: He smiled at her.

To laugh, laughed: to show that you are happy or that you think something is funny by smiling and making a sound from your throat.                                          Ex: She laughed while watching TV

To worry, worried: to think about problems or fears : to feel or show fear and concern because you think that something bad has happened or could happen.                                                                                                Ex: Don't make your parents worry.

To speak, spoke: to say words in order to express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc., to someone : to talk to someone                                Ex: They were speaking in Japanese.


President: the head of the government in some countries.                           Ex: He is the president of this country.

Governor: a person who is the leader of the government of a state, province, etc.                                                                                            Ex: He is the governor of this state.

Mayor: an official who is elected to be the head of the government of a city or town.                                                                                             Ex: He is the mayor of this city.

Politician: someone who is active in government usually as an elected official.                                                                                                    Ex: He is a politician.

Speech: a spoken expression of ideas, opinions, etc., that is made by someone who is speaking in front of a group of people.                             Ex: The president will make a speech tomorrow.

Campaign: a series of activities designed to produce a particular result.              Ex: he didn’t like the result of the campaign.

Crowd: a large number of persons especially when collected together.   Ex: There is a crowd in front.

Drunk: having drunk so much alcohol that normal actions (such as talking, thinking, and moving) become difficult to do.                                Ex: I don't like being around drunk people.

Proud: having great self-respect or dignity.                                              Ex: He is too proud to beg.

Naughty: behaving badly.                                                                               Ex: He is a naughty boy.

Clumsy: moving or doing things in a very awkward way and tending to drop or break things.                                                                                 Ex: I am very clumsy.

Clever: intelligent and able to learn things quickly.                                         Ex: He knows the answer. He is very clever

Light: something or someone that does not weigh too much.                                       Ex: The box is very light.


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