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XO - Beijos E Abraços

Pesquisas Acadêmicas: XO - Beijos E Abraços. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  3/5/2014  •  545 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  423 Visualizações

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"Flight controllers here looking very carefully at the situation.

Obviously a major malfunction."

Your love is bright as ever

Even in the shadows

Baby, kiss me

Before they turn the lights out

Your heart is glowing

And I'm crashing into you

Baby, kiss me

Before they turn the lights out

Before they turn the lights out

Baby, love me lights out

In the darkest night, I'll

(In the darkest night, I'll)

I'll search through the crowd

(I'll search through the crowd)

Your face is all that I see

I'll give you everything

Baby, love me lights out

Baby, love me lights out

You can turn my light down

We don’t have forever

Oooh, baby daylight’s wasting

You better kiss me

Before our time is run out

Mmmmm, yeah, yeah, yeaahh

Nobody sees what we see

They’re just hopelessly gazing


Oh baby, take me

Before they turn the lights out

Before time is run out

Baby, love me lights out

In the darkest night, I'll

(In the darkest night, I'll)

I'll search through the crowd

(I'll search through the crowd)

Your face is all that I see

I'll give you everything

Baby, love me lights out

Baby, love me lights out

You can turn my lights out

I love you like XO

You love me like XO

You kill me, boy, XO

You love me like XO

All that I see

Give me everything

Baby, love me lights out

Baby, love me lights out

You can turn my lights out

In the darkest night, I'll

(In the darkest night, I'll)

I'll search through the crowd

(I'll search through the crowd)

Your face is all that I see

I'll give you everything

Baby, love me lights out

Baby, love me lights out

You can turn my lights out

Beijos e Abraços

"Os controladores de voo avaliam com cuidado a situação.

Obviamente a pane foi grande"

O seu amor brilha como sempre

Até mesmo nas sombras

Querido, me beije

Antes que apaguem as luzes

O seu coração está reluzente

E eu estou indo ao seu encontro com tudo

Querido, me beije

Antes que apaguem as luzes

Antes que apaguem as luzes

Querido, me ame com as luzes apagadas


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