A cultura dos Estados Unidos no início do século 19
Artigo: A cultura dos Estados Unidos no início do século 19. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: lucianemlt • 14/6/2013 • Artigo • 525 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 722 Visualizações
With the establishment of its Constitution the
United States became a functional democracy, in
contrast to European monarchies and aristocracies
this newly created country was radical in its distribu-
tion of land titles. Practically all citizens were farmers
and owned the land they farmed, quite different from
the system in old Europe where peasants labored on
the estates owned by the nobles and were not enti-
tled to ownership of land.
Many immigrants from Europe were attracted
to America due to the opportunity to become an in-
dependent landowner. Therefore, an ever increasing
population moved towards the west, beyond the
original thirteen states on the Atlantic coast. By the
early 19th century, a great frontier movement had be-
gun in the United States, bringing wealth and in-
creasing the size of the country.
American culture steadily flourished with such
growth and in the beginning half of the 19th century,
there appeared many of the major and most influen-
tial figures in American literature. Writers of fiction, of
novels, romances, and short stories, now emerged.
This growth occurred under the influence of a Euro-
pean cultural movement, Romanticism.
Romanticism initially emerged as a response to
the age of reason, characterized by an emphasis on
individual freedom from social conventions or
political restraints, on human imagination, and on
nature in a typically idealized form. Romantic
literature rebelled against the formalism of 18th
century reason. Many Romantic writers had an
interest in the culture of the Middle Ages, an age
noted for its faith, which stood in contrast to the age
of the Enlightenment and pure logic..
The Romantic Movement appeared in America
at the beginning of the 19th century and greatly influ-
enced American culture until the middle of the cen-
tury. Romanticism based its beliefs upon emotion
rather than reason. Feelings other than logic were
the best way of knowing the secrets of life. Poets and
artists were the representatives and celebrities of
The writers of the Romantic Movement put
huge importance on nature in their works. They
wanted to demonstrate how nature could bring out
deep feelings in man. The American thought was in
favor of Romanticism because since the United
States was an agricultural society which was moving
and expanding at a fast