Curso Profissional Técnico de Gestão Equipamentos Informáticos
Por: Rita_Santos • 20/4/2020 • Pesquisas Acadêmicas • 477 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 241 Visualizações
Curso Profissional Técnico de Gestão Equipamentos Informáticos
Subject: English
Teacher: Andreia Monteiro
[pic 2]
Work done by:
Ana Rita nº3
E-mail 1
Dear Sir Carvalhas,
Thank you for your e-mail of 10th April regarding the sale of a mistery box of beauty products if u buy 150$ in beauty products. Like you know we sell everything about beauty products.
Tis promotion is not available in the moment because we have limited this promotion to first 100 customers and thats why this sale is not available.
This offer will not be available again because we just do one sale for month and once its over we can`t do anything more except offering you a fantastic 5% discount in your next purchase and give you ours apologizes for the inconvenient.
I look forward to hearing when you are planning to visit our store.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir Carvalhas.
E-mail 2
Hi Fernando,
I wanted to tell you about my computer.
This moment i can`t lent my computer cause , like you know, i´m using to my school works for the next few weeks.
When i finish my school works you can use my computer but if you really need a computer you can call my mom cause she have a computer but she is not using them.
i´m sorry but i can do anything else to help you.
Hope to hear for you.
Thanks, Fernando.