Resenha: INFORMAÇÕES CONTÁBEIS E FINANCEIRAS POLUIÇÃO. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: strutura • 5/2/2014 • Resenha • 682 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 194 Visualizações
Gheorghe Neamtiu
University “Aurel Vlaicu” of Arad
Accounting is not an exact science; it has many
common points with social sciences. The subjective
judgments are also part of the accounting level.
Taking into consideration the fact the judgment
plays a very important role in accounting; the information
that results bears an approximate aspect.
The social-economic reality of each country
determines a priority hierarchy among users. Accounting
information addresses more and more external users but the
place of internal users as administrators or managers is not
to be neglected.
Within market economies, one can notice that
accounting dualism has gained ground. Financial
accounting is destined to third parties, and management
accounting concerns the management’s informational needs.
External users are various: shareholders, fund
lenders, public power, employees, unions, associations of
employers, clients, suppliers, the public at large, consumer
The increase of privileged users determines a
contribution of new elements and new extensions
concerning the theoretical framework of accounting. Quite
often one may find that published accounting information is
frail from the point of view of the relevance characteristic,
and that is because this information has a subjective
character that results from the individual’s expression of
views at the level of methods and practices of accrual
Accounting documents do not provide raw
information, but information that has already been subject
to processing or retreatment. Their meaning depends on the
use and interpretation of accounting principles. There are
certain limits due to the fact that rules and principles cannot
foresee everything, at the same time there being some
maneuver margins left for the company with a view to
accounting of certain operations or certain economic
phenomena. We cannot assert the existence of an
accounting truth. Accounting information can be judged as
sufficient at the moment when it complies with the norms.
Yet, compliance with the norm is not an easy concept to
Accounting norms contain a certain number of
precise rules for which the compliance of the company’s
practice can be facilitated concerning its representation,
there being a last reference, which is the true image. The
concept of true image, of British origin, subjects accounting
principles to some rational and intelligent judgments,
tolerating derogation in order to better serve the users of
financial statements for the improvement of decision quality
that mostly depends on information quality. For a credible
information it would be ideal if there was a sole accounting
language worldwide.
Ever since its beginnings accounting has been in a
close connection with fiscality. Nowadays the accounting
langue is widely influenced by fiscal norms. From this point
of view we can approach the issue of the relation between
accounting and fiscality from the point of view of two