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Intensifiers, Present and Past Simple and Bed and Breakfast

Por:   •  7/9/2019  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  1.938 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  191 Visualizações

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Objectives…..…………………………………………………….. . …......…...02


Present Simple and Past Simple..…………….............………………………...05

Bed and Breakfast…… . ………………………………………………...…….09


Bibliographic references……………………………………………….……....11


The present work deals with the Very, Too and Enough intensifiers, where first we will bring the objectives of the work as a whole, we will also bring the definition of the intensifiers, examples of their use or its application and also in this work we will talk about Present Simple and Past Simple where we will give the concept of each time, examples of its application in sentences and its formation and pot end, we will talk about the Bed and Breakfast, where we will give the concept and the importance of both.

Work Objectives

General objectives of the work:

• Know the intensifiers Very, Too and Enough;

• Correctly use Present and Past Simple in speeches;

• Recognize the importance and function of Bed and Breakfast.

Specific objectives of the work:

• Define intensifiers;

• Give example of identifiers;

• Set Present and Past Simple;

• Apply Present and Past Simple correctly to speech;

• Define and mention the importance of Bed and Breakfast.

Intensifiers (Very, Too and Enough)

Intensifiers are adverbs or adverbial phrases that strengthen the meaning of other expressions and show emphasis.

Or, Intensifier is a linguistic term for a modifier that makes no contribution to the propositional meaning of a clause but serves to enhance and give additional emotional context to the word it modifies.

An intensifier will have no real meaning in itself and can usually be removed from the sentence. The sole purpose of an intensifier is to tell us about the intensity of another word.

Examples of Intensifiers in Sentences

Here are some examples of intensifiers (shaded) in sentences:

This pie is tasty.

(There is no intensifier in this sentence.)

This pie is very tasty.

(In this example, the intensifier very strengthens the adjective tasty. Of note, very is the most common intensifier in English.)

The delegation is late.

(There is no intensifier in this sentence.)

The delegation is very late.

Very and Too + adjective

1. The exam is very difficult, but Jim can complete it.

2. The exam is too difficult. Jim can't complete it.

Very difficult = it is difficult but possible for Jim to complete the exam.

Too difficult = It is impossible for Jim to complete the exam.

Remember that Too implies a negative result.

Too + adjective + infinitive

• Alex couldn't play basketball because he was too short.

• Alex was too short to play basketball.

• We are too tired to go to the gym.

• Mary was too ill to finish her food.

Too + adjective + for (someone) + infinitive

• I can't walk to Valparaiso because it is toofar.

• Valparaiso is too far for me to walk.

• It is too late for me to go out.

• The soup is too cold for Tim to eat.

• The price of the ticket is too expensive for Mike to fly to Europe.

Enough + noun

Enough (pronounced "enuff")

Enough = sufficient

• There was enough food for everybody at the party.

• I had enough money to pay for dinner with my girlfriend.

• Is there enough time to finish the test?

Adjective + Enough

• She is pretty enough for everybody to notice her. (Everybody notices her because she is very pretty.)

• My friend lives close enough to my house to walk.

• Last summer it was hot enough to go swimming every day.

Enough + infinitive

• When she lost her dog, it was enough to make her cry.

• He was sick enough to stay home from work today.

• I arrived at the airport early enough to makemy flight to New York.



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