Por: rafan_costa • 17/10/2015 • Dissertação • 1.079 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 334 Visualizações
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For GNED-212-Fall 2014
Monday Mornings
Course Instructor: Paul Baines
Andre Vander Perini
Rafael Nunes da Costa
Yuri Pavini Cristovao
Date: 11/24/2014
Part 1 - Virtue Ethics
Virtue ethics focuses on the character of the person and his life as a whole, so we should not judge a person by a single act. Thus, an unusual behavior that could be considered unethical should be analyzed in all circumstances, such as the motivation of the person and your reputation. The central question for this theory is “How should I live?”.
According to the text called Virtue Ethics posted on ecentennial, it said “Virtues are attitudes, dispositions, or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop this potential. They enable us to pursue the ideals we have adopted. Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and prudence are all examples of virtues” (#1). Virtues are developed putting them into practice. A good set of behaviors shapes our personality during the course of our life and that personality influences our life. Thus, we consider that to be virtuous is a characteristic worthy of being lived.
However this theory has a problem, according to the article by Professor Catherine Rainbow, she said “ethical theory is that it does not take into consideration a person's change in moral character” (#2). To illustrate, a good student studied hard for the final exam of the course, however he/she did not know the answer to one of questions and cheated the exercise of a friend. This situation could be justified because he/she always was good student, and he/she would fail the course. However, the student may choose to stop studying and just cheat in the test. We'll never know.
In conclusion, what matters is not what the person does, but the person objective that determines motives or intentions which result in actions that enable people to live well in a society.
#1 Andre, Claire; Meyer, Michael J.; Shanks, Thomas; Velasquez, Manuel, Virtue Ethics. Retrieved from posted in the ecentennial by the professor.
#2 Rainbow, Catherine, Descriptions of Ethical Theories and Principles. Retrieved from posted in the ecentennial by the professor.
Part 2 – Ethical Dilemma
Richard is an experienced doctor at a large hospital in Vancouver. His background is in pediatric oncology. He works with cancer almost 30 years. In the hospital, he is the best doctor in oncology. He has treated many patients in terminal cases of cancer. Richard believes that all patients with cancer should know the severity of them cases. He thinks right tell the truth.
Richard has a new patient, a little girl called Monica with acute leukemia. She had a lot of headache and some symptoms of unexplained fevers; however, any doctor knew what she has. Then, the child's parents suspected what could be; they took her to the doctor Richard. Richard soon discovered the girl's cancer; however, it was a little late, so the cancer was in an advanced state.
Monica lives in the hospital, this is better for her because she has medical treat all the time. Despite knowing about her cancer, Monica is cheerful, playful and full of live. She loves sing and dance with nurses. Her joy was contagious. Everyone loves her.
Richard treat her with the best treatment, he used some kind of treatment. He treated her with chemotherapy. In the beginning it had positive results however, the treatment is not being efficient enough to her cancer. The leukemia is advanced and the doctor does not have more treatment options. Unfortunately, the cancer is in the end stage.