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Reflexão sobre etnicidade - Inglês

Por:   •  24/12/2015  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  419 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  420 Visualizações

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What is ethnicity? / Ethnicity without groups

   The excerpt of Eriksen’s book “Ethnicity and Nationalism” talks about the appearance of the terms ethnicity and nationalism, and how vague they can be. It also emphasizes the term of race and how it’s seen as a negative thing since “The new racism talks of cultural difference instead of inherited characteristics, but uses it for the same purposes (…) “according to the author. This sentence made me think about it and I realized it’s true, and I even asked some of my friends what they think about the word “race” and it has always negative conjuncture. Probably because people see difference as a bad thing instead of find interesting the fact of get involved with different people. But that is something that depends from person to person.

   Forward in the text the author reflects about the current concern with ethnicity and how “many (people) prefer to live in neighborhoods dominated by people with the same origins as themselves” while living in a different country. This actually happens in France with Portuguese people, when they move to France they usually search for the Portuguese communities and they don’t get much involved with other cultures, they keep their habits, the traditions, they continue to talk the native language the most part of the time.

   Other topic the author approach that I found really interesting is the kinds of ethnic relations. After reading it I realized again how evident it is. The first kind of relation (urban ethnic minorities) relates with what I said previously about the Portuguese communities in France. Here the author emphasizes the non-European people at Europe but that is also visible with Chinatown at London (for example).

  About the text of the author Brubaker the topic that caught me better was the ‘Ethnicity at work in a Transylvania town” and the Hungarian minorities in Romania. Since I didn’t knew almost nothing about this topic I searched about it, and I found this article (

   The way that politics is related to ethnic contributes for the term of nationalism, and the idea that I took from this topic is that nationalism is the key of the situation. Some people want to perpetuate their concept of nation, and some minorities of other nations can be seen as threats. Building walls or fences will (or just imagine to build some) will not resolve the problem.

Cláudia David




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