Por: Lucas Gonçalves • 7/4/2021 • Projeto de pesquisa • 2.005 Palavras (9 Páginas) • 331 Visualizações
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Scanto review worksheet [pic 3]
Expemo code: 145F-C1LB-HTMZ
Warm up
These picturesallshowitems associated withcrafts.Matchthewords withthe pictures.
crochet hooks measuring tape pin cushion thread sewing needles wool/yarn knitting needles sewing machine
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- Doyou know howtoknit, sew, or crochet?Wouldyou liketo learn?
- Haveyoueverowned something that someone knitted, sewed, or crocheted justforyou?How did it makeyoufeel?
- Thinkofthreereasonswhypeoplewanttodo thesecrafts.
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Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucas Gonçalves's lessons.
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Watch for main idea
You aregoingtowatchareport about three modern craftspeople.Draw linestoconnect five pieces ofinformationfor each craft from the video.
crochet a tailorinthe Hebron,West face masks fiftycents market Bank
sewing a men’sgroup Kigali,Rwanda hatsand scarves upto $125
knitting two sisters NewYork City toys and dolls upto $40
Whatreasonsdo eachofthesemakershavefor doing theircraft?
Watch for detail
Read these sentencesfromthereport.Usethewordsyouaregiventocompletethe sentences.Then watch the video againto check.
Sections1and 2:Crochet andSewing
affordable available impression living profit sense
1.ButforKhadijaandHala,it’snotallaboutmakinga ;theyarenowusingthiscraft to help their communities.
2. But the handmade dolls and toys that they saw on the Internet made an on them...
3. ...theycouldtrainlocalwomentocrochet sothatthey could starttheirown businessesandmake
4. So,it made for localmakersto findawaytomake masks more .
5. Alexander and theother tailors are helpingto fight the pandemicbymaking masks more toRwandans.
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Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucas Gonçalves's lessons.
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Section 3: Knitting
changes contact decisions effort fortune impact
- One man says that knitting can show people the value ofmaking an .
- ...Ithink I’m old enoughto makemyown about whatisfor men and whatis not.
- Now these knitters are outto make to traditional ideas aboutgender and crafts.
4.Becauseofthisphoto,bothmenandwomenhavemade withBoriatosharetheir own knitting stories.
- Itreally seems like crafts are making a big on people all over the world!
- Maybe no one’s making a from crafts, but there are certainly other benefits.
Language point [pic 15]
We use the verb make in many different everyday collocations and phrases. Study the information and find more examples from the sentences in the last exercise.
make+a/an+ singular noun: make aneffort
make + plural noun: make changes
make + uncountable noun: make contact
make+ object+(more)+ adjective: make masks moreaffordable
Answer these questions about the meanings ofthese phrases.
- Whichfourphrasesrelateto money?
- Whichthreephrases describe actionsthatrelateto thinkingor understanding?
- Which two phrases describe results or effects?
- Whichphraserelatestohow muchofsomethingwe canbuyor use?
- What do the other two phrases mean?
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Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucas Gonçalves's lessons.
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Practice [pic 19]
Workinpairsto thinkofexamplesforeight oftheitemsinthelistbelow.Writeakey wordinoneof theboxes, asin theexample.Complete theboxesinrandom order.
- historic events that made an impact onyour country
- an illegal wayto make a living
- something about learningEnglish whereyou needto make a big effort
- a person who has made a big impression onyou
- something thatyou think should be made more affordable
- a type ofbusiness that makes a big profit
- a change thatyou’dliketo make toyour life
- something that should be made available toeveryonefor free
- a personyou’verecently made contact with
- afamous person who has made afortune
- a difficult decision thatyou hadto make in the past
- an idea thatyou think makes a lot of sense
Work in pairs. Look at each other’s boxes and ask questions to guess the expression withmake, like this:
A:You wrote:yourgrandfather.Is that a person whoyou’ve made contact with recently?
B:No, he lives next doorto me.Try again.
A:Is it someone who’s made a big impression onyou?
B:Yes,that’scorrect.He’shadareally difficultlife,buthe’salways helpingother people.I wantto be like him.
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Learn without forgetting! Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. © Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucas Gonçalves's lessons.